First is that the voices seem gone but are still there while talking and speaking while saying something they come back and talk over me. Then once they are all the way gone it’s like everything is way louder. Like how having a fan on or when the refrigerator clicks on it makes the movie seem more quiet and have to turn up the volume to hear it. The voices have a similar effect and once they are gone normal sounds seems incredibly loud.
And when the voices are gone I can actually hear what people are really saying where the schizophrenia would make me hear something different instead.
Hopefully you can find some relief from your symptoms, sooner than later. You’re on quite a heavy dose of Haldol I remember, hopefully it does something good soon…
It was not as wonderful as I thought it would be. In fact they told me I’d have to live with the voices because the effect caused me to act in such a deviant way. The reason was that after 22 years of living both in the World with the voices and the real World I could not adjust to living entirely in the real World. I also could not stop the voices from speaking through me as they became a part of me. I also suddenly became an angry sociopath. The drug stopped working when I was put on it a second time and it technically didn’t work in the long run but I’ll always believe to an extent that it made me and the voices one and that was not really a good thing.
I never did credit my voices as being real. They never did address me directly. They arose from appliances, so all I had to do was turn off the appliance. Last winter, they could be very bad with space heaters running. I had a sitar buzz sawing away in my left ear. Yet I always knew they were merely the sz, and patiently took my ap each morning. Now, I have a ringing in my left ear, in the presence of my PC’s whine. But none of it is intolerable.