What is your mums cousin to you?

In terms of where I am from, your mums cousin like your mums sister is also your aunt. But my partner says my mums cousin would be my second cousin. How weird. I been calling her aunt all along.


Hmmm my moms cousin

That’s not my great aunt/uncle. ??? I can’t remember my mom mentioning her cousin tbh.

Oh but I do have great aunts and uncles. Maybe it’s the same

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I call my second cousins Aunt/Uncle.

I think my parents taught me that because calling them by their first names would be weird considering how much older they are than I am.

Didn’t know other families did that.

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My cousins were in their 30s when I was born. (My first cousins I mean). My mom was old when she had me, meanwhile my aunt was 19 when she had her first kid. My mom is also younger than her siblings by 5 and 10 years. My mom also had a different father than her siblings. Although she didn’t know until ancestry dna told her 5 years ago.

My cousins I get along with the best are my second cousins who are around my age. Yeah like I said my first cousins are about 60

I’m still confused about “my moms cousin”. Who is it :thinking:. Hey :wave: Ish you throw me for a loop. I’m not sure if my mom still knows her cousins.

And my dad is the patriarch of his family. Oldest remaining member. Everyone is deceased on his side. Quite sad I’d say. His only brother died from the AIDS epidemic in 1986. And his only cousin and his wife just recently died. They got married late so didn’t have kids

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Who is your brother’s daughter’s sisters’s dad to you?



Your brother?



Yep, you are correct Aziz.

Just messin around.




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In Mexico would also be considered an aunt. Her kids would be called your cousins. We say, “Primo hermano” once in awhile to describe a cousin who is the son of a parent’s sibling as opposed to a parent’s cousin. It basically means “Brother cousin” I think here in the states people say, “first cousin”.

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I must admit I am SO bad with this kind of terminology.

Idk why but it usually just flies over my head

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I like that @anon4362788 posted the graph. I never understood the whole “second cousin, twice removed” thing. To me it was like, “They got Paco… they kill Paco! They remove Paco!!” Hah not really the truth is it was probably even worse, I thought it had something to do with a divorced aunt or uncle.

Looking it over it still seems a bit complicated.

Edit: I get it now. Follow the first line on the graph from. Left to right and it suddenly makes sense. Pro tip.

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We referred to my mom’s cousin as my mom’s cousin, especially because he was so much older. I think, technically, he was my first cousin once removed. Maybe my second cousin. I don’t know.

He was a super cool guy, though.

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Some relative you meet at our reunions for the first time Define would you have nothing in common

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I don’t know if it’s a British thing, but probably just “auntie”?

Not sure, but I’ve hung out with my mom’s cousin’s daughter and she was chill

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