A movie about an individual with schizophrenia

I’d love to see a move about an individual diagnosed with sz and the challenges that individual undergoes to find recovery.

I’m watching the Oscars and I’d love to see one of these moves tackle the subject of mental health. But of course there won’t be one this year but maybe in the future.

There should be light put on this topic of sz and recovery and ow difficult the plight of sz really is. And to portray in the movie a family that is attempting to figure out how to help their loved one who has been diagnosed with sz.

What a move that would be!

Has there already been a move done about this? Maybe there has but I can’t think of one.

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As far as I know, there are movies about individuals with schizophrenia, but none that show how to help them. Hopefully I’m wrong.

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Ya, I saw the trailer for a movie that was made last year about a family’s struggle to get their son help after a sz diagnosis. I believe Hugh Jackman was in it. It looked like it would be a fairly well done movie but I haven’t watched it yet.


Sybil is a good movie and shutter island


Words on Bathroom Walls was good. The medication wasn’t realistic and the symptoms were definitely not greatly depicted, but the social aspect was on point.

I did a small podcast about it, and kind of took some heat for my opinion. Apparently the director didn’t talk to people with schizophrenia before making the movie.

I liked it because I saw so much of myself in the characters navigating their relationships

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I love Fear of Rain. Came out a few years ago it’s about a young girl with schizophrenia

Silver Linings Playbook is a great movie about an individual and family dealing with mental illness. It’s definitely a more realistic look at challenges faced. The main character is bipolar, but there’s a lot of overlap. It stars Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert Deniro, ect.


A Caveman’s Valentine is great if you wanna get into the world of a schizophrenic. It stars Samuel L Jackson.

Some might disagree with me on this. But, Fractured was a good portrayal of SZ in my mind.

As for recovery, I don’t know if hollywood has really covered that yet. I’m glad too. They’d probably butcher it. I am excited I get to discover myself.

“This Much I Know is True” is a heartfelt watch. It is a miniseries though, not a film. Very sad at times, but a look into a singular man’s support for his brother who has schizophrenia.

I felt like this movie romanticized mental illness too much :confused:

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If they did one about how I got to this stage it would be too extreme for normal people to stomach

I am sure that would be true for many people here

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@Joker idk man, I seen life be hard on anyone and everyone. Hang in there.

I find movies about Schizophrenics boring.

Yeah it has some of the hits- genius goes mad, but he’s the one finding some truth ect.

A Beautiful Mind


A beautiful mind is probably the most popular and based on a true story. Worth it :+1:


As far as I know, the only movie about sz that I’ve watched is A Beautiful Mind

Clean, Shaven looks like it would hit too close to home. The Machinist is good, too, although I don’t know if the main character has sz. Def a good psychological thriller though!

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I saw that movie too. Not bad.