What is your favorite body type for a man and a woman

I like a medium build woman. Do you like thinner build, medium build, or large build…for a man or a woman.


For men- I don’t like them crazy muscular…
That’s about all I’ll comment.


Between 110 and 210 lbs

That is a good idea to say how much they weigh.

I had a gf who was like 180 lbs she said she was a moose but she looked fine

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I have always been fond of women with a little extra cushion in the rear. And for men I like short stalky guys, they fit together with my body best.

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Who cares about looks!

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I like big, muscular, tall men. I married a guy that is 6’4" and has a natural muscular build. He isn’t ripped, but has a nice shape.


Me either! No one usually understands this?

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I like all kinds, but I’m not attracted to really fit men. At all.


Give me the soup de jour every time :rofl:

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I like curvy hips the most with a medium body type.

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Haha high five

I like em skinny or medium build, but I’ll pass on the super muscular🤷‍♀️


Yes please!


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Short women, idk why it’s, been like that since I started dating girls at 17.

I like them looking healthy and natural.
And just to clarify, being swole af doesn NOT fit in the “natural” category by any means.


I like it if they can handle a big package or a little package. We get all different size packages delivered to the door these days :crazy_face:

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I tend to fall for slimmer women most often, but curvy women can be attractive too.

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I’ve always been jealous of women who are like a size 2. It’s how I wish I looked. I’m very attracted to my husband. He’s 6’6” and very muscular.


I am not thin but I love skinny guys! Skinny blonde surfers out of my league :joy:

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