What is your clothes situation like

I have way too much clothing… I am drowning on them. and shoes. I love gothic style and like to dress that way. every day I have a different outfit and I enjoy dressing up. I plan my outfits ahead. I feel I express myself with clothing.

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lol no my clothes are all stashed in a hamper, i dont really hang them up or fold them. Theyre just there so i dont walk around naked basically. i dont really care about clothes otherwise.


I love shopping for clothes
My neighbors think that I’m a strange male, from always upgrading.
Even recently a lot of my income has gone towards clothing, I didn’t like looking like a mobster anymore

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Try looking for a discount retailer like TK Max, they offer quality clothes cheap. I bought some jeans the other day for £9.99 and most of my tops cost £12.00 or less. Honestly I think I’ve spent more on makeup this year than I have on clothes!

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