Do you own a lot of clothes?
I barely have any shirts
I recently got 3 new pairs of pants tho
I hate clothes shopping so much and I don’t like to shop online for them
Do you own a lot of clothes?
I barely have any shirts
I recently got 3 new pairs of pants tho
I hate clothes shopping so much and I don’t like to shop online for them
Nope. I have a lot of old, tattered and busted clothes. They are comfy though.
Im the same as @mangojuice , though i did recently buy a few t shirts and a pair of joggers
Annoying. I have dress clothes I have no interest in wearing, but my wife won’t let me dispose of them. She has incorrect ideas about me going to formal events with her.
I recently gained weight and so nothing i had fit me. I had to get new pants and shorts and shirts. So i dont have that many but thats what a washing machine is for.
I have hardly anything. During the recent purging, a large bag of my and my disabled daughter 's clothes went missing.
Yeah I can relate to all that too. I feel like I’m doing laundry constantly @Pickpink
I keep losing and regaining weight, so none of my clothes quite fit.
I’m pretty much set when it comes to casual clothes. I have an abundance of t-shirts, especially blank colored tees and horror movie shirts.
I think I might have outgrown a couple pairs of jeans I bought last year though. Oh well. I donate clothes that don’t fit me anymore to a local thrift shop that really takes care of our local Hispanic and immigrant community.
I have soooo many clothes.
I wear about ten articles over and over,
The rest I need to give away.
I’m the same way Mr. Foster.
I really need to thin out my wardrobe.
Yesterday though I gave my brother a pair of shorts and 3 undershirts/tank tops.
I wish he would’ve taken more but he’s a very picky dresser. I offered him a pair of Levi’s shorts for crying out loud.
I have about 5 pairs of decent jeans but I might only keep 2.
I feel like I have a lot I’m going to donate to a local women’s shelter.
Another little bit I’m going to send to a friend.
Just need to organize and wash it all.
That’s really sweet of you.
I have a bad habit of buying really trendy clothes,
Then just wearing costco jeans and flannel.
Yeah, try and ignore “fast fashion” if you can. It’s even terrible for the environment.
I’m thankful and Blessed that I own a lot of timeless clothing articles. Like regular fitting jeans, sweatpants, black tees, polos, button downs, etc. Bought all of them by a mix between thrift stores, Amazon, and Walmart.
I bow down to you, sir.
Awww why thank you kind Sir. I really buy 'em anywhere I can find them.
I have about four shirts short sleeve, two long sleeve, all black or dark blue. three pair of shorts, one pair of slacks, no two slacks…two pair of shoes, black and one pair grey, my hey dudes , something I love. some of the black short sleeves I have are band shirts.
I got some nicè cothes, if I wear them I 'l trash them out. I use only couple of them over and over. Fancy days are gone…lol
Summer wardrobe at present shorts and t-shirts, I put my warm clothes away for the autumn/winter.