What is your clothes situation like

I buy my clothes in town nearby, have only what i really need, woolen troyer that last over years, jeans, woolen socks, rib shirts…

Since a couple of years i’m buying no more cheap underwear, it last much longer and fit better


I don’t have good clothes. But when I was manic I used to change clothes too often using credit cards. So in general I don’t like to shop at all thanks to Mania.


I have a few good clothes. Mostly what I have is about 8 pairs of jeans for winter a winter coat, tons of t-shirts, 5/6 pairs of shorts and tons of socks ( I bought), but in most of these item i got where donated to a free clothing place, but a few I bought brand new. I should be good with them for a while I think… My gal always says I need more, but I think I have enough.


@Melomaniac I feel you there, I bought cothes on mania as well. Really nice one.I wished I never spend those money.
By the way, I like your id, I felt strong conection with orion - the hunter constelation- as well.


I used to hate buying clothes, now I love having nice clothes.


i dont have many clothes but i dont go out much and have enough where i can changes clothes daily for at least a week before i have to put on a wash load. sometimes over a week if i skip a day of showering, lately i shower daily tho


I’ve spent quite a lot of money on clothes. I think its really important to invest in clothes. It really changes how you appear to others when you meet them.
I don’t buy designer or anything but I also don’t like super cheap low quality stuff. I’ve sort of stopped buying clothes at the moment because my draws are full.

I like to order my clothes online. I find it a lot easier ordering 2 or 3 things at a time and sending back anything I don’t like or that doesn’t fit. Most websites have filters where you can specify the size colour and price and I just look through everything they have with the filters setup.


I have a ratty old Patagonia fleece that I wear everyday I’m obsessed with it. Im gonna buy a new one this fall


Time to order another one in a different colour maybe? :slight_smile:


I order online as well I don’t like shopping in person it’s weird I don’t like getting dressed in the dressing room


If you lived closer to me I’d hook you up with some shirts.



I barely have any shirts or pants, i gained weight and went up to 38s so im wearing the jeans my brother was given that were too small.
I do plan on buying a suit for some reason, i want to look fancy.


I have an embarrassing amount of clothes in a lot of different sizes. I watch Torrid and Lane Bryant for sales, then I buy stuff I don’t really need. I have a tendency to buy 5 shirts in the same color and style. Mostly black.


I have five pairs of jeans, two pairs of casual dress pants, 12 pairs of socks, about 15 t-shirts, 5 short sleeve button down shirts and 6 flannel shirts. For special occasions I have a couple nice short sleeve, button down shirts and 3 long sleeve, nice button down shirts. I have a lot of shirts! I just bought two new pairs of shoes.


I have a lot of clothes. I buy from thrift stores and clearance deals. I worked retail clothing stores before I got ill so I kinda got used to owning a lot of clothing (I bought a lot of great deal clothing from the stores I worked at). I really should go through my closet. :flushed:


I rarely buy clothes retail, mostly thrifts or Clothes Bank. I’ve got a bunch of t-shirts (anime, bands, horror) three good pairs of cargo shorts inc. 1 I Levis I got from Clothes Bank, a pair of camos, pair of jeans, pair of khakis, that’s about it. If it isn’t comfortable forget it. Oh yeah shoes, 2 pairs slip ons, 1loafer 1avia very nice, 1pair of mid weight sidezip boots. I love 'em. :hiking_boot:


I don’t have alot of clothes


In my current size, I probably have 15 casual shirts, 5 dressier blouses, a couple of sweaters, a hoodie, a coat, 10 pairs of shoes, 50 socks (no exaggeration- I really like socks) of different styles, 5 pairs of jean shorts, 2 pairs of jean capris, 3 pairs of yoga shorts for sleep, 4 yoga pant capris, 4 full length yoga pants, 4 pairs of full length blue jeans, 4 or 5 dresses, 10 pajama sets or pajama slips/chemisies, and a lot of undergarments. So I’m set. Ironically, I rarely get dressed in “real people” clothes.


I’m a bit of a fashion victim - always loved designer clothes and looking trendy all the time

Sometimes my mum used to shout at me for dressing up even though I was staying at home and not going anywhere

I have a collection of smart polos, masculine sweat tops, jeans, chinos, smart shoes, black velvet blazer

My style is usually smart and dressy

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im now 3xl and have about five shirts. rangler from walmart i been wearing.

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