I just gave away a bunch of clothing

I had way to much. I was told that if you haven’t worn something in a year, it’s good to give it up. So, I cleaned out my closet a lot. It feels good to have done this.


Yeah I usually donate clothes to savers or goodwill, or the clothes collection drop boxes, but then a lot of my clothes I got at thrift stores over the years so it just keeps the wheels turning.

Yes, it does. I cleaned out my little storage closet out back this morning. Found 4 pairs of jeans that fit me that I put in there but forgot about. Also had 5 smaller pairs that I had hoped I would fit into by now, but I’ve had them in there a couple years and won’t be fitting into them soon so they’re going to Goodwill. But 4 pairs of pants that fit me in good condition!

We give our old clothes to the church.

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I should clean out my clothes, lots I never wear but hang on to for someday…

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Yeah, I’ve donated old clothes too. Many times.

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