What is your blood pressure?

My blood pressure was taken today.

Systolic 107,

Dyastolc, 64


What about you?

I’m happy with these readings.

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Don’t know. Haven’t had a reading in years.

It was high when I used to work because of stress, but ever since I got on disability it’s normal (120/80)

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That’s actually rather low.

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Yea, when I was at the reception, they asked me to wait for the doctor to check it’s OK that measurement, but the doctor said it’s fine,

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You’ll start having problems if you drop below 90/60, so keep an eye on it.

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Mines 120/80 but im taking blood pressure meds, a pdoc once told me nearly everyone over 40 takes them.

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My blood pressure was always low when I did loads of walking every day. Don’t know what it is now but I think it’s ok

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When I lived in Southend it ranged from the mid 120s to the mid 130s. Now it’s usually in the mid 110s

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