What is your attitude toward foreigners?

Some people find foreigners exciting while others find them boring, too much work and of no interest. Since my father came to the US when he was 15, I tended to have an interest in foreign people. One of my favorite college friends was a foreign student .I love the little differences they have but I also realize their hearts are often beating about their native country.


Foreigners to where? This is a global forum. We’re all foreign to someone here.


I think all the east European people who moved to the UK have made a huge contribution to our community. I live visiting the European shops in town, mainly Polish, they have things that you can’t find anywhere else. My support worker in the group home likes watching tic tock videos about foreign cooking and we cook together.


I think they’re great, I’d like to see them in concert.


I meant living in a country other than the one they grew up in.

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I was one when I moved to the States. It was a fun experience for sure because you could play up to the locals who really didn’t quiet get my sense of humor. Everyone should travel at least once to another part of your country or if you can afford it to another one. The differences in culture make our world and as always we should practice tolerance and understanding.


I love travelling.

Ah, ok. Was wondering if you meant a USA focus.

I’m happy to see foreign folks. More culture!

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I seen them live

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I’m in the NE US, but I’m from the south, born and raised. I was basically taught that foreigners were bad: They’ll take our jobs! They use our welfare! Etc etc. But when I was in maybe 2nd grade, we had a new student in class. He couldn’t speak English and was really struggling with the country’s differences. He cried so hard when he realized that he didn’t get to go home for lunch. It was heartbreaking. I don’t remember his name or where he was from, but he really had an impact on me. I have had the chance to volunteer with ESOL students several times, and I loved it. If I can make it easier on someone who struggles like the boy, I want to help.


I’m in the mid west of the U.S. my doctor is from the Philippines. I asked him. He taught me a little about the history, and I questioned why his english was so good, and he told me that aspect of their history. It was a nice exchange.

He told me about a concept in the Philippines called bayanihan I want to paint him something in regards to that to thank him for his work.

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As long they are from earth.

In my country, I dislike the term “new Canadian.” Once they have their citizenship it should be just, “Canadian.” No need to diminish their standing.


I like foreigners. I like everyone. I like learning about different cultures and countries.

I wanna know what love is!!!

My old pdoc said love means different things to different people. The best thing I heard about it is that the trick is to find unity in diversity.

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Most foreigners are happy in their country of origin until a war happens usually and they become dislocated i think the word is but yeah there is a problem in the UK trying to house them, a lot are stuck in hotels. Many thousands in hotels

i dont know they are just in a new place. or maybe its not new anymore. i say come on over.

but as for relationships with foreigners im next to nill. im in northern new england. everybodoes been like me in my life.

Most of them have a strong work ethic. They put me to shame. We need to think of ways to get them into higher paying jobs, like constructing computer mother boards, and stuff like that.

I was an immigrant, so were my parents
I like foreigners.

Brings a lot of culture to the table.