What is schizophrenia

It’s abnormalities of the brain

It’s the million dollar question.

Why materialize the disease. Just thinking

My hypothesis: It’s caused by a poor immune system and a virus, in my case, that I had as a young adult in elementary school, called the Norovirus. In one of my dreams, it was confirmed that I had it after I had my DNA sequenced entirely. They found remnants of the virus that I barely remembered that I had.

I’ve also heard about the cat parasite and herpes virus too. I can’t rule those out or confirm the above, but these are my thoughts.

Is that better? I wasn’t trying to make a joke or materialize the topic. I just think nobody knows why including myself.

I haven’t ruled out bipolar in my case, but it points to schizo-affective disorder because that’s what I have and that’s what I was told in my dream.

Norovirus, remember that after I’m gone. Maybe I’ll get some money someday. I ended up trying to do the math and figured that there is a 100% chance of the USA population getting the virus (correct me if I’m wrong…it’s very common…winter bug) and it affects the guts and stomach. It causes like 1-2% of schizophrenia or bipolar out of the illness, which I found was odd, but I think my probability equations were wrong and just guess-estimates…

I’ve been looking at Vaxart and Takeda, companies working on the vaccine, and I think it will come out soon. I plan on taking it. That means it will work or might work but if you get reinfected you might get symptoms back and might lose resistant or immunity to it and thus might have to take another vaccine…I don’t know.

It’s important to have good hygiene. I hate cats but I rely on other people and people don’t always wash their hands or clean things the proper way, that’s including restaurants and fast food joints.

It’s good to be totally self-sufficient.

Don’t quote me on it, but if I can be proven right 100 years from now or in my lifetime, it’s worth a shot. Still doesn’t answer the question: what causes or what is the reason why the immune system is weak in the first place? If 100% of people get Norovirus but 1-2% get mental illness, is it genetic or something else like environment or bad luck? It’s just bizarre. How can a poop virus cause spiritual and mystical experiences and so much suffering.

I don’t want to give people false hope at all.

It just means you are chemically imbalanced, the reason why people get confused is because…the voices, the smells, tactile hallucinations, and ect….are from something I can’t talk about on this site.

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Anyways, perhaps I can help somebody someday. I suffered a lot. Mine was drugged induced…but maybe it released bad stuff in my brain or something that laid dormant for years. I’m talking about the root cause or the base case or the intial cause or the primary cause or what Elon Musk would say is the underlying principles. I forgot the word he used.

I do know some stuff about schizophrenia most people don’t know about. I’m not psychic and I don’t think I’m psychic anymore. It’s some other unproven or unheard method. Sort of like I’m in a causal loop where my mind (consciousness), not my body or a machine, propels me back in time with limited recall and recollection back into my body: think movie “Source Code”. It takes time. Schizophrenia is my primary concen and I wish I could just cure it so bad. It has caused so much suffering and turmoil in my life it’s unbelievable. I think I have some of the answers now.

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A chemical imbalance in the brain. Mine brought on by stressors in my life and also intrusive thoughts and panic/anxiety attacks.

Sz/Sza is literally not being able to perceive the difference between the real and the unreal.

What if the chemical imbalance is caused just by being so tense that normal circulation is impossible. Relax, warm up and be loving. You can be that way.

What is SZ ?

It’s when your mind plays tricks on you.

For example …

What is poetry?
What is jazz?
What is your quest?


I believe there might be a “lesion” in the brain. That’s a medical term for something physically wrong. There are acute problems like the positive symptoms, and then there are a few chronic symptoms. In addition to the lesion, I believe some of the experiences might be caused by the spiritual realm. That’s what I believe.

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