I made my mensa test on my language and I had a bad result, it sucks on other iq test I have results slightly above the average intelligence…
but you keep saying that I am not dumb and I think that I became it… I don’t train my brain since years, I don’t socialize, I don’t progress in anything, it should have been marked me… its sad, I am worried by my stupid brain, really. there are some sapiosexuals out there and I cant even go out in order to continue to develop myself :/…
Mensa basically suits people who are good at IQ tests. Whether that is indicative of superior intelligence is debatable . It certainly doesn’t measure use of intelligence in real life situations.
Meh tests don’t prove anything. I’ve met plenty of high test scorers who don’t have a lick of common sense . Don’t let em get your goat.
I am one of those for whom a timed IQ test is not a reliable measure of intelligence. This happens when there is a wide spread of performance ie verbal (very high to superior) vs (visuo) spatial /non verbal ( some way below average).
Hah. I don’t want a surgeon with mediocre test scores fishing around in my chest, thanks. There’s a reason that medical schools only accept the top scorers from among applicants.
Processing and reaction time is an important part of functional intelligence. Do you want your airline pilot to be someone who thinks of the correct action five minutes AFTER the plane has crashed? Someone who thinks of the right thing to do immediately is, frankly, more intelligent than someone who takes longer. It’s an ugly truth for those of us who don’t process as quickly, but there you go.
FWIW I have had an IQ test label me as ■■■■■■■■ in the past. I have also passed Mensa’s online test, but that’s easy for someone who thinks in patterns. I suspect I come out to a bit above average, but no more. Might have been more when I was younger but I think I cooked off some grey cells smoking weed.
Well yes but in terms of IQ, choose that shape tests, it is impractical. The mcat tests a wide variety of knowledge that is going to be used for the job. I’ve taken a whole lot of tests for college acceptance. I’ve seen some bright people do well and some do not so well. I think I did pretty well ACT wise only two points off from perfect. However, this doesn’t make me smart, just someone who can quickly fill in a bubble under the time limit.
yeah, I alsohad a retarded score in iq tests when I was really a dead person… when I was dead psychically, hating myself etc… when I belive in myself I make better scores, above the normal ones even
me too, I think that the iq tests are not for nothing but yeah, we shouldn get depressed by them…
pixel, how much did you smoked weed? me, I smoked 10 joints per day for 6 years, imagine… it made me sicker even though some people doesn’t believe in this thing for the weed… plus, I smoked in isolation, only with the tv and the internet
I scored around 4 points higher on the ACT (out of 36) when I had a maniac episode XD. Someone accused me of being on speed afterwards. I was like what??? Nope just the mania hehee
Of course there are situations when it is important to be a fast thinker but there are also situations when it’s better to think slowly and well over quickly and badly. What this thread shows is that the nature and interpretation of what constitutes intelligence is a very debatable area. Even the so called experts can’t agree on an operational definition.
I have always tested higher than average on IQ test, but I do not really care. I would rather be emotional intelligent than mentally intelligent. My Uncle is a genius, and yes he is a part of mensa, but he is practically emotionally retarded. I think it is better to be compassionate and empathetic towards others than be able to solve a math problem etc… fast.
yeah I see this. but in my case, I have the both problems maynard. I have troubles now intellectually plus emotionally, I went so deep in my illness, that’s all:/
I often get great ideas and come up with great solutions, but it often takes me a while.
Not sure what means halp me understandz it Jesus.
Some cute and evil frogs.
I am so sorry to hear that Anna. You might be having mental and emotional problems right now, but in the future it is possible that the very problems you have now will give you insight that most people don’t have, and then you will be the intelligent one. I am not saying that you are not intelligent right now by any means.
With the most intelligent people being able to do both well.
Amongst laymen, yes.
Psychometricians – those who measure mental function – generally agree that while individual tests can vary, they are great predictors of function when you look at the statistics from multiple tests.
Also, just to stir the pot more, this:
I know we all want to be special snowflakes, but the truth is that some snowflakes are more special than others. It’s also not just intelligence. I’ve never been someone who would ever have been asked to model fashions, and that’s even if I wasn’t overweight. Some people get better genes, some don’t. Just gotta nod your head and keep going.
There are people who are called logistics experts. The good ones are highly prized in the military. Their job is to get as much stuff to fit into a given space as quickly as possible. The really good ones can do that factoring in weight and balancing the load across the vehicle’s length and width while observing weight limits. Those would be the people who rock both the funny shape and math portion of the IQ test. So, yes, practical in real life for UPS, FedEx, militaries, organizations shipping supplies overseas, etc.
Somebody posted an article about SZ’s IQ’s being lower than their family average. I take that as a good sign, because then we can predict it if one of the youngsters are at risk for it.
I know that I’m not incredibly smart, but I have some people skills and a good sense of humor.
Okay okayy, I don’t like tests though.
I still have and will take them, but I don’t have to like them.
The bottom line is that everyone brings something needed to the mix. Do the best you can in the day you’re in and everything will work out just fine. People mostly get into trouble when they put the energy they could be using for building themselves up into comparing themselves with others instead.
Yep yep. True to that. It is something I think I should work on. It is hard when my school and area puts value in class rank.
It’s all about cognitive ability in addition to conscientiousness and critical thinking.
This thread is full of critical thinking, it is critical thinking. Also some conscientious posters.