What is everybody's favorite musical instrument

What’s everybody’s favorite musical instrument? If you can explain it why is it you favorite instrument?

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I can’t explain it but drums is my favorite instrument.


I like the penny whistle, because it is so easy to pick up and play, and very cheap.


I like the :musical_keyboard: piano . I can’t play it though. I can’t explain why I like it.


Guitar. I have one. Can’t and don’t play.

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The harmonica, its what i play when im bored.


Piano. 15151515

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i like the guitar, the violin, and the harmonica. the mandolin is ok. i guess the guitar is my favorite, it attracted me as a boy and i tried to play, but have come to realize that im not that musically talented. so haven’t picked it up in a couple months, maybe i’ll get back to it sometime. i need practice playing with others, im used to always playing by myself and i don’t know what chords or notes to play when i jam with others. i think because i don’t have the ear for it.


I love the guitar, especially a Taylor acoustic.

Beautiful warm sound I can jam with. I love playing the blues and folk rock on my acoustic guitars. :slight_smile:


I love the wide variety of electric bass guitars out there. Plus a rhythm section with a good bass player is a pleasure to hear

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Gosh, I don’t have a favorite. I love them all. In college, we learned how to begin playing all the instruments in an orchestra. The piano is what I gave the most time and energy to so I’d probably place it first.

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The Charango


dang that sounds good…I’ve never heard of a charango. I can see why you like it. I like this instrument too now!


That is one of my favorite instruments now.(the charango) Have you ever heard an electric violin?


I play three instruments, the banjo, the guitar and I used to play the cello…the guitar is my favorite instrument because then I can sing too along with it…love the cello but haven’t been in orchestra since high school…banjo I play once in a while…


Do you like the electric guitar or acoustic guitar?

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Whenever someone mentions the electric violin, I immediately think of Jean-Luc Ponty


That sounds good!

I love the two instruments I am good at playing. The Didgeridoo and the Native American Flute.

I love the didge because not everybody picks it up for a first instrument. The rhythms are all from the heart once you get the technical skills down. I love it because you manipulate the sound with your tongue, cheeks, lips, and diaphragm. It requires a good deal of concentration to play well. Muscle memory is very important.

The NaF has a sonorous quality that also comes from the heart and it’s very easy to pick up so virtually anyone can play well if you stick to the diatonic scale.



@Jake I love electric guitar just as much as the acoustic but I have to admit I’m just a “backyard picker” and I do better for the majority of the songs I know to play on the acoustic…I just bought a 12 string guitar today.