What if the big bang didnt happen?

thought i’d just throw that in there lol


OMG!!! Then there would be no Penny :sob::sob::sob:


penny, penny, penny, penny, penny :joy:

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I think it happened myself. Though it is hard to imagine where all the stuff came from. I do wonder sometimes what is bigger than the universe… Is there some big Swiss cheese larger universe containing lots of smaller universes like ours? and does it just continue for ever? Turtles all the way down?


sorry i was being hypothetical, i didnt mean it literally, i think lol, idk how else to word it tbh

@amethyst swiss cheese sounds good, i can picture that and i like cheese too haha

I guess I wouldn’t exist.

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i think we are the other end of a nother blackhole that feeds off of another universe :slight_smile: its blackholes and universes the whole way down :slight_smile:


I read a theory about that. It said that at the other end of every black hole is a white hole, and that is the big bang for every new universe. I found it fascinating, even if I barely understand the science behind it.

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If a black hole is a worm hole to the beginning of a new universe, then I would think there would be an end to those universe-to-black hole … chain. Because if you think about it, there is only a certain level of mass/energy that can go through the black hole in question. And if more of those are being created with black holes in each universe, then you eventually get to the end of your energy and mass.

So unless two black holes collide, which I don’t even know how that hell that carry out for the universes inside, then there would be no new universes being created after a certain point.

what about the hour glass effect?

Space and quantum physics FASCINATES me, so much. Especially when I’m high. One tip I have is to watch Cosmos on Netflix with Neil DeGrass Tyson. It’s fascinating that’s all I can say. I like thoughts like these.

Don’t know what that is. But I do know that no new energy or mass can be created. And that the sum of all the energy in the universe is equal to 0 (taking up all the positive (+) and negative energy (-), putting those together, and looking at the result, it equals 0). Aside from all that, I’ve mass is just energy that has slowed down. Whether that is true to life or they got it from a sci-fi movie (or a sci-fi movie got it from real life) is beyond me.


Mass is energy broken in half - a particle and its antiparticle. Like a positron and an electron.

Did you know that you can even pull particles apart from a vacuum as long as they rejoin in a short period of time (following the uncertainty principle). Near a black hole (i.e. right on the event horizon) this can occur, but one of the particles falls into the black hole and the other is created then. That is how a black hole looses energy - by forcing a particle to be pulled apart from vacuum. I think the vacuum is then called an “excited” vacuum. Funky…

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I dont believe in just one big bang… There multiple big bangs… I mean there is more than one star why not more than one big bang?

I know particles are popping in and out of our field of view in the vacuum of space every moment of the day.

That’s a weird thing to me because I always heard black holes are not letting anything go. (Or maybe that’s just my crap memory twisting things into bs). I suppose it makes sense because I also do remember hearing that all black holes will fizzle out eventually.

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That is sound logic but the point of science and really all logic in general is to have evidence to back up your points. It’s really a fascinating idea though! I’d love to hear about it more.

One for each universe in the bigger swiss cheese universe :slight_smile:

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Things within the event horizon don’t escape. Things outside can still get away if they have enough momentum. (though if it was a space ship or something big, it would probably get torn apart from the tidal forces.)

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I think at the vent horizon they get the spaghetti effect or something?

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@Rhubot experiencing the Big Bang. :smile_cat: