What I do to help with intrusive thoughts and voices

To help with my intrusive thoughts and voices I take a prn and maybe get a frappuccino and go shopping with my friend. This distracts me most of the time.

You probably need antipsychotic medication like risperdal or zyprexa or seroquel or abilify. There is no ‘life hack’ or trick to getting rid of them aside from going to a psychiatrist and getting on meds. The meds take time, right now you need to see a doctor. The meds you are taking are not working and you need different ones.

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medications helps to relieve it in short term, in long run it will be a need for you to understand yourself more by spending more time with yourself. I used to have side effects that comes with voices, and I came to a conclusion that those voices were because of my attitude towards people, it always happened when I felt my truth (when I told them) has been challenged.

at some point I even felt like my thought were broadcasted, even few days back I had it again. But feelings are real, it doesn’t reflect the reality truth. I even webcam myself for 1min and re-view it myself, I cant see myself talking or neither my lips were moving, so logical it’s impossible, I ever thought is it possible for me to speak without me knowing and vocally sounded without me knowing, but scientifically it’s not possible because it’s too unreal. So my end conclusion which is, my facial or body language made people “respond” to it which then causes me to feel they were talking to me, this comes the reason behind why I felt people are “communicating with me” which actually isn’t, and this “responds” are not the only reason, the second reason which is very hard to accept for me initially is “superbly coincidentally”, which is truth, so to combat all this unreal and not reality feelings, we have to use truths, facts, science, logic to combat it. Which makes sense, at least I feel very sober now compared to the past.

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