But you came out of it? Now you’re a chatterbox right? Or at least equal to normal people talking the normal amount?
eventually… idk about chatterbox i still have my hangups of not being able to express myself on how i feel about things.
i have been told i dont talk about normal things i obsess over religion a lot and i do a lot of mental illness research online
Things get better and improve over time. So hang in there, is all I can say. And take your meds.
Find the right med and then make a habit of taking it. Then try to get on with your life, regardless of whatever symptoms linger. It took a while for me to find a med that mostly got rid of my paranoia and delusional state. Even though some vestiges of old symptoms continue, it’s not getting any worse so for that I’m thankful.
I was actually nineteen when she, as started. I suffered until I was 22. I’m 36 now. It’s gotten a little easier in a way to deal with because I know what to look for. I mean it was miserable when I first became ill. It was new then. I know what to expect sometimes.
Sz sza
after 10 years of sz one gets a ''badge of honour ‘’
my sz anniversy is in 2020…that will be 20 years of sza
I go mute too.
Sometimes I can say enough sentences to keep others calm but other times I go totally mute.
When I am totally mute I cannot answer questions and when I can not answer questions they usually want me Hospitalised.
I try and tell loved ones that if I go mute be cool about it and just give me a sleep tablet a drink and put me to bed and I will usually come around no dramazzz.
I hate going mute.
Often someone else possesses my body and makes it hysterical stiff etc
It is not me but really intense.
Other times I speak a strange language and say things I do not understand on this level of my consciousness.
Sometimes I go aaaaaa aaaaaa like a mini laugh but I do not laugh often.
Other wierd things too.
I had sz since 2003 so that makes it 15 years now. I can’t believe it. I went thru several bad years, hospitalised four times before finding a med that works, and then went into remission for five years, med free. Then relapse came in 2012, hospitalised three more times, and I’ve been on meds ever since.
Since my relapse my understanding of sz has increased. When i went into remission, I thought I never had sz, just ‘depression’ and it was cured. I didn’t understand sz was for life. Then it came back and I realised it was.
So i can say - what happens after 10 years of sz? You get a better understanding and experience, and you become stronger and better able to deal with the symptoms.
Well, that’s how it should be anyway…
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