What exactly is paranoia?

I am asking because I dont quite get it. I stay awake at night because I’m worried about someone breaking in. I can hear small sounds and keep checking cams.

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I’m not hearing voices. But I get startled by the sounds though like the foxes outside.

Google Gemini says:

Paranoia is a way of thinking that involves intense feelings of suspicion and distrust of others, often without a good reason. People with paranoia may believe that others are out to get them, planning to harm them in some way.

Here are some key things to know about paranoia:

  • It’s not uncommon to have occasional paranoid thoughts. For instance, we might all wonder if someone is mad at us sometimes. But paranoia becomes a problem when it’s constant and interferes with your daily life.
  • Clinical paranoia is more severe. People with clinical paranoia have a deep conviction that they are being threatened or harmed, even when there’s no evidence to support it. They may not even believe they are paranoid.
  • Paranoia can be a symptom of a mental health condition. Some conditions that can cause paranoia include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and some personality disorders.

If you are concerned that you or someone you know may be struggling with paranoia, it’s important to seek professional help. A mental health professional can help you understand the cause of your paranoia and develop a treatment plan.


I’m the same. That’s paranoia.

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idk where paranoia ends

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Met a girl called Lola and I took her back to my place
Feeling guilty, feeling scared, hidden cameras everywhere
Stop! Hold on, stay in control

Girl, I want you here with me
But I’m really not as cool as I’d like to be
'Cause there’s a red under my bed
And there’s a little yellow man in my head
And there’s a true blue inside of me
That keeps stopping me, touching ya, watching ya, loving ya

Paranoia, the destroyer
Paranoia, the destroyer


Non bizarre paranoia: The bloke next door is having an affair with my wife
Bizarre paranoia: Shape shifting lizards are poisoning my mind


I think paranoia comes from a distorted reality or a reality that is not understood or predictable. Basically I think schizophrenic paranoia comes from being out of your mind. There are things going on that don’t make sense and the world doesn’t make sense. Or your mind knows it’s not able to recognize danger or protect you from danger so it’s scared or looks for danger everywhere. Or maybe it’s the paranoia that produces the crazy stuff idk. I’d say it’s a state of mind. I basically think it’s scary to be out of your mind.

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I’ve seen people come in my room and attack me at night when sleeping. I often wonder if they’re ‘ghosts’ or something or real, and I just went to the next parallel universe according to many world’s theory of quantum mechanics – quantum immortality. I have a lot of bizarre paranoid delusions that seem real. It’s not real to anyone else. I wonder if it’s alien technology being used or if it’s just hallucinations from my schizophrenia. I don’t think I’m rational anymore, but irrational.

Some of my paranoia seems justified and real and it’s my own doing/undoing. It’s hard living with SZA.


Paranoia can be very subtle. I get it like in conversations. People aren’t out to get me but why did you say that? Brain goes into overdrive…you said that because of this or that…why did you use that word…? It often isn’t just about overt things…with schizophrenia it can be subtle little tells or signs too.


paranoia is exactly as you experience it, it’s kind of a phobic, speculative, intuitive, suspicious state of mind. it makes you distrustful and avoidant of others.


Yea paranoia makes me distrustful and distant. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming, I cut ppl off and when the paranoia goes down, I try to go back, but I’ve lost that person by hurting or stressing them out. It’s… Awful. Yup.


I sometimes,not very often,get ‘They’re only being good to me because of x’ thoughts. Fortunately I’m able to reality test such thinking . I can be quite suspicious about things, which I would personally call subclinical paranoia . It’s very much connected to the bullying related trauma. The fear of being mocked and ridiculed.

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My paranoia used to trigger panic attacks, I didn’t really like that. It’s been a long while I don’t miss it