Wake up 5.30.
Make my meals for the day
Go back to my room
Read. Write.
Read write
After lunch my motivation has… Gone. Lol. Fun!!!
Wake up 5.30.
Make my meals for the day
Go back to my room
Read. Write.
Read write
After lunch my motivation has… Gone. Lol. Fun!!!
Woa. That’s impressive.
That is really cool.
Lol… I’m proud of trying to do more but I still haven’t had a successful week yet
I’m sure that schedule has helped tho. Even if not perfectly
Yep… I think I’m getting more done now . It’s also shown me how much my mental health effects my progress…
Most people work 8 hours a day without any issues. I use to but now it’s very difficult to stay focused when the delusions are calling me
Some days I sit at the window and talk to cars for like 4 hours straight… lol sz really does suck
5:30??? Damn that’s early
Yea it’s to avoid traffic in the kitchen lol
Omg… My old place had a shared kitchen
They always seem to want to cook right when your hungry right?
Up at 7am most days
Sometimes go to gym before work for a swim
Walk dog
Start work at 8am
Smoke every hour
Finish work at 4pm
Walk dog
Play Xbox for a bit
Have dinner
Watch Netflix
Play with the dog
Go to sleep about 9pm
Weekends just mainly walk dog and sleep one of the days and the other play games and watch films
It’s cool that you are working. I think I’ll be a waitress by the end of May.
I like this thread! I hope we can keep it going as I want to add more stuff to my to do list but I can’t think of anything else. Maybe y’all can help.
Thanks mate yes I think you raise a good point there.
I have. A lot of like 50 things I try to get done every day. I usually do 5 minutes of each but I think it’s kinda too much makes things hectic. Maybe I should make them 30 minute time blocks instead lol
Yes I think that might help to increase it to 30 and less things maybe if it’s too much.
I have no routine I live adventurous life full of random adventures
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