does it hurt the brain
I believe it affects you brain, for example one thing I think it does is…it effects you intelligence. When I was in high school one of my friends, smoked weed a whole lot. I almost could tell without a doubt that he got less intelligent. I saw him trying to figure out an assignment we did in class that day. The assignment was very easy and he still asked the teacher questions…and he didn’t figure it out before he asked the teacher questions. And he used to be more intelligent, because he use to act different before he smoked pot.
I nearly had a heart attack when I smoked weed last time.
The feeling was horrible and I got really bad palpitations, and I got super paranoid that I was going to die…
okay then does that mean antisycotic helps
this happened to me, it was a panic attack. Marijuana is dangerously under estimated, for me personally, one puff and im in a psychosis, immediately and it lasts the duration of the high, 1 hour and a half.
Then, well life is dull due to the lack of stimulation experienced post manic episode.
I dont recommend marijuana, simply put its an escape, regardless of diagnosis.
Yes, I think antisycotics helps.
It’s such a shame, as during my teens all I did was smoke weed.
Just became toxic and contributed to my psychosis and original episode
same, used to be my go to habit, thought it was the best thing ever, but we all grow up.
I hope it gets more studies done, so people know.
I have a vape pen that I use occasionally. I like to use marijuana to relax me. But it can make me feel psychotic so I’m always taking a chance when I use it I know. So it’s one puff and straight to bed. I get offered to vape with friends all the time or do dabs but I turn it down, it’s too risky.
I have a mmj card and it helps me immensely…
I believe that it makes you paranoid and increases pychosis.
It’s an addiction.
You’re better off If you can function without cannabis
Its great for short term anxiety. But for me, the voices were MUCH louder and was paranoid to the extent i couldnt even go round to the corner shop for a pint of milk. I was getting delusional as hell as well.
If your gonna smoke that crap - you might as well throw all your anti-psychotics in the bin.
Marijuana is very complicated substance to ingest. Something like 2000 to 3000 unique chemical substances… among them the cannabinoids are the chemicals with most notable effects.
All smoke is inherently carcinogenic.
How it effects the brain is pretty subjective from person to person… on a general basis… it is powerful enough to retrain the brains natural reward system to be dependent on using weed. THC is not an addictive substance… the body does not develop a unique dependency on the substance that leads to genuine withdrawals… however the potency of the effect on the brain secondarily does lead to neurological and associated psychological changes.
It’s sort of like sugar… people who eat sugary foods find it difficult to enjoy more “plain” substances like vegitables. When they go without sugar they have all sorts of different cravings and moods and complaints… however they don’t actually need to eat sugar… when they quit the junk food the more or less immediately start getting healthier.
However if they don’t quit they still sit in the cycle of psychological addiction top sugar/weed.
Really pot is just a drug that promises a sense of escape and control over one’s life and sense of identity… I personally would advise you pursue more valid ways of finding those three things.
You smoke pot… you face risks… risks that can actually be fatal in the case of mental illness, schizophrenics most risky in that category.
You don’t smoke pot… you don’t lose anything. You can be happy, confident, cool, fit in with people… all and everything in the world is still open to you (arguably even more so… because the consumption of pot does get in the way.)
Like lets take this for example. A guy is girl-shy… when he’s not high he starts aspiring to rising above his own nerves and proving himself (to himself basically) that he can communicate and potentially get along with women and maybe even get some sex in the end… then the same guy smokes some weed… and suddenly all of that becomes the most frightening thing the guy can consider.
That’s how it was for me.
I haven’t smoked pot in like 8 years… and in that time I’ve slept with like 10 different women (none really worth writing home about)… but if I had still been smoking weed that whole time… I’d have been locked in my own cowardice singing myself to sleep with excuses… only to cyclically smoke pot as the only escape… which basically perpetuated the whole ordeal.
TLDR… I quit smoking pot 8 years ago and now I have so much self-esteem that actual self-confidence/self-approval… are things I don’t really worry about.
Made me psychotic and violent most of the time. The more the worse. It broke through my meds and I had psychosis for the first time while on meds.
Yea in my neuroscience class the teacher said that weed decreases memory which decreases intelligence.
Maybe its shrinks the brain like cocaine. I read studies about cocaine and alcohol and brain shrinking. I may have read about weed too but forgot.
i hallucinated almost everytime i tried it.
saw cartoon character pushing wheelbarrows on the wall, tongues flying out of posters of people.
my blankets turned into a mountain of skulls. , all sounds were totally distorted.
Thats one of the last ones i remember
My father has a marijuana card but we’re reconsidering him trying medical cannabis for his chronic pain.
He’s just too old and frail to try it.
CBD helped him out just a tiny bit.
i just vape all day. I smoke weed only twice in life. got anxiety attack.