Just asking because I enjoy getting replies in my notifications.
And also because it is a question that can potentially have interesting answers.
Just asking because I enjoy getting replies in my notifications.
And also because it is a question that can potentially have interesting answers.
In a person someone who accepts who they are and embraces it, in like art or stuff I like street art or graffiti bcuz it’s spontaneous and the people doing it have limited time to create a masterpiece thats unique.
It means easy to look at or to listen to. Comfortable in its own shoes.
To me beautiful people are the intelligent ones who defied the odds and embrace their non conformity
There are 2 types, physical beauty and inner beauty.
There are different kinds of beauty. There is the beauty of the opposite sex. There is the beauty of a baroque symphany. There is the beauty of nature. Beauty enhances our lives and reminds us that there are good things available to everyone. Beauty makes our lives feel worthwhile.
I don’t know how to find myself beautiful unless I believe that everyone is beautiful.
Not sure why. Though.
I don’t know if it’s the same for all schizophrenics, but I think this disease lowers our self-esteem. (even the way we look at ourselves “in the mirror”)
Concerning me it’s clearly yes.
We, most people here, are in a situation that does not conform to the norm.
It should also lower our self-esteem.
Hope your therapy will help you.
Good things are beautiful I think
The love of my life is Technology.
Tried dating actual humans, but the internet makes it very difficult unless you’re 30 years younger than the other person and they want to relive their youth!
I live in a place that can be very superficial and jealous. They try to brainwash people to believe that they are unattractive and mostly do things to make sure you are unattractive. There are immature people judging people and they think they should be able to decide who’s attractive. I know what type of people they like and I wouldn’t want to look like that, but they think they should be allowed to ruin people’s looks.
Hmm. . .
It’s Simple Really, Whatever Makes You, You, With All You Can And Or Cannot Do, Beautiful Too.
beauty philosophically means accepting and loving urself and others just the way they r
as far as physical beauty goes since i m a male i like beautiful females.
and beautiful females r the ones with a straight thin nose, cute eyes and big boobs n big butts
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