I might have already posted this but I want a perfect medicine to take away all problems with being chemically imbalanced.
I want new boobies,
But I’m getting them late January.
Probably clothes.
Can you send the old ones over, I would like to play with them
Ok my jokes are getting old
We don’t celebrate Christmas but I’d love a tablet
Some type of synth or launchpad to make music. Maybe also the will to live. Lol
Peace on earth…
I am aware that peace on earth is a far fetched goal, but we can still wish for it.
Other than that, I would like to ask Santa for some inspiration regarding my next year resolutions. I have some ideas but they are pretty vague and blurry at this point.
Peace on moon…
Peace on moon is Sailor Moon squad’s reponsibility.
Né, @valiumprincess chan ?
I am always fighting evil by moonlight & winning love by daylight.
i would like a scrapbook and a vinyl record and a picture (the picture is too expensive though) lol but i’ll be happy just to see my family and friends smiling
My head in balance.
slippers and a new phone. my old phone i have to push the charger wire into the port very hard to get it to work. and it takes forever to charge. i am using the nokia lumia 530 and it plays all my music but the old cool pad catalyst phone speaker didn’t work and it only played a fraction of my music and i have to have my music
i just want to have a good time this xmas
I want inner peace.
More money lol
So I can forget that real solutions are never on the outside.
I want pigs in blankets.
I told my family that I want nothing for Christmas.