I want money so I can buy drums.
Drums are fun. I miss my drum kit. I want money for tattoos. Lol
I want my life back. Motivation, passion, drive, creative vision, lack of crippling depression. That’s all I want.
To be off the injection and put on pills but that’s not looking too good based on what I’ve read. Other than that lots of snow!
When I was a kid there was always a ton of stuff I wanted. Now that I am older I can usually just buy myself what I want. At this time I don’t need anything, I want to upgrade my computer so maybe some cash for Christmas would be nice, that’s about all I can t think of right now.
I already ordered what I want from my husband for Christmas. I got a new wool winter jacket because my old one is way too big on me now
Probably just clothes…boring but true.
For people to donate to good charities. E.g. ones that help with climate change.
Oh, thanks for the idea! I’ve been wanting new tattoos! That’s what I want for Christmas.
I already sent my mom a couple items on Amazon because she asked me too. I sent her the Criterion bluray of an old ghost movie, The Innocents, and a t-shirt of the movie The Exorcist.
Other than that I just want to be with my family and enjoy their love of me.
I just want to be around my children and try to make Christmas special for them. I don’t expect too much in terms of presents. I exchanged gifts with a few of my female friends last year. I got nothing from my children or their father. It’s pretty sad actually. But I know what to expect this year…nothing!
Battlefield 2042 and Halo Infinite
If I could give you a gift I would, @anon97859349 .
I want cookies 55252552525
Essential oils
15 characters
I want to be more stable and independent, honestly.
But as far as material stuff goes, I’d love a new laptop since mine got stolen a long while back.
Ooh – mom likes horror movies, too!
Thank you @Montezuma!! Right back at ya!!
I want absolute freedom to be myself.
Like another member said I wanted lots of stuff as a child but now if I want something I will buy or finance it myself.
I plan on buying some weird candy and a few small things for my nieces and nephew but otherwise I don’t want anything.