What do you think can cause schizophrenia

i know in my case im pretty sure all the lsd and a mental breakdown years later do to sadness and lonliness and a lot of weed smoking caused. I dont think i would of had schizophrenia otherwise, it was like a recipe that came together. Im curious what reason you think you have schizophrenia. Was there something that cause it you think?

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I think it’s a virus but it’s more complicated than that…probably something I had as a child and would have got. Maybe I just don’t have schizophrenia, but something else. I just don’t understand how I can be so disabled, no motivation, and have a thought disorder with cognitive decline. Sounds and feels like schizophrenia.

Head injury… I fainted twice and hit my head in the same area (frontal lobe) … after my surgery I started hearing things much louder.

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My friend has a brain injury from a car accident and she has psychosis as a result.

I think my injury had a lot to do with it… I also think taking st.johns wort triggered it as well. Sorry about your friend @anon10648258

I got sicker than a dog after trying aniracetam and adderall (prescribed) so dopamine makes sense. The supplements I tried worked on glutamate so I think that’s my problem too. Supplements helped me also.

I think mine was triggered by the sudden death of my brother at an early age in life. I didn’t go psychotic until I was much older but I believe the early trauma played a part.

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In my case it was weed and lsd

weed triggered mine in college as well as stress from being too dumb in college and breaking my mind and dropping out. I still think and probably always will believe some higher ‘power’ like aliens gave me schizophrenia…just makes sense to me…I don’t believe it was natural, but it could be a self-delusional prophesy or something like I’ll never figure it out and blame it on anything – whatever…

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Typo mistake 12344566788

Typo mistake 12345667788

I’ll be really blunt here. I think mine was caused by the Norovirus when I was a child or from my DNA and it expressed from stress, a below average childhood, and pot in college back in 2011. I also think there’s some paranormal/spiritual explanation for mine. I could be wrong, and there could be a plethora of different treatments out there for schizophrenia in the future, but I think Vaxart will come out with the vaccine in the future and I will take it if I can…

It DOES sound like a delusion, but it feels real to me like I just have this virus in my dna from early life or from my parents…which may have come to me in a dream a couple years back…

Perhaps, I just want to be famous and have attention and all that crap and have some money, and win a Nobel Prize for being psychic lol…

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I’m telling it’s people it’s caused by the trauma of having an extremely large Johnson.

Not factual at all, but I’m a huge believer in choosing your own stigma.



Scratching your balls too much.


You guys familiar with the game Plinko from Price is Right? I think it’s just Plinko, but how many slots at the bottom are labeled (schizophrenia) depends on our genetics.

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Oh yea then there’s my cat she probably passed it on to me since she miaows to herself.

I should wear a mask :///

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A quirk in my genetics which was heriditary and got hit by an environmental trigger. It is obvious now but I always had problems but like most I didn’t know any different and just lived through it. I do like some of the previous suggestions though. :slight_smile:


Don’t worry- she’s doing exceptionally well. I think what matters is how we approach our illness.

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I’ll tell you a little story. I had delusions I came up with the cure from schizophrenia in a past life…

I really don’t know or remember, but I think it’s a virus because I had dreams or memories of being in the future and thinking there was the ‘insanity virus’ given to me or people by the aliens or ‘computer simulators’ ie the Anunnaki or people that run this planet…

It’s probably offensive, but I tend to be either be spot on or sound like a lunatic. I think the ‘insanity’ part I claim is a self-defense mechanism for me because I’m scared and can’t function at all like a normal human being – perhaps, I’m an alien myself…

Anyways, in my first life at college a million + lifetimes ago, I became treatment resistant to schizophrenia and became immortal or something (IIRC, I was reincarnating uncontrollably through time as a schizophrenic – inter/multi-dimensional time traveler?).

I ended up at Dulce Base, New Mexico which I heard from YouTube and can verify from my own personal experience is a place where aliens take humans and do high risk experiments on them for the ‘insane’, which then I later found on YouTube to be a cover story or lie. They took me and cured my schizophrenia/‘insanity’. I’m not joking, but I often feel life isn’t real anymore and it’s just a sim or game to them…

They did all sorts of experiments on me, but I realize the thing with the brain surgery was not to cure my schizophrenia, but to make me immortal by uploading my consciousness into a super computer for them but the downside of immortality was mental instability, I think…

Honestly, it felt like the movie ‘Source Code’ a few times for me, but it’s really not…

Where I can loop back in time to the year 2011 and we live in a computer simulation/program. That sums it up for me.

At Dulce, I learned they can cure schizophrenia (at least when I was there a billion + lifetimes ago (another planet earth?)) and the technology is so advanced they can cure my illness which is at least 100+ years away. If I can cure this evil disease and help the population, it would be quite worth it even if my post gets flagged, I offend some folks, or it gets deleted.

I end up with schizophrenia in every life and just want it cured.

Thank you!

It was a bad can of tuna fish.