I have two lizards. A mali uromastyx and a bearded dragon. I love them both so much. They are my boys
that is cool…
i love my dog because she is so cute
take care
I have a pitbull and a cat. I love my pitbull bc he looks tough but is really a big softie. My cat is evil though. She gets super needy if I’m not around her for most of the day.
I love my cat. She is with me all day long and follows me around the house. She greets me like a dog when I come home from therapy. She even has learned to do tricks.
that looks just like my dog…it is a staffy cross… …with a bit of drama queen !?!
take care
What I love about my uromastyx he’s a real ham. He sleeps in all kinds of strange positions. My bearded dragon is a cuddle bug, he loves to cuddle into your neck and sit on your shoulder. I use to have more pets but I was forced to get rid of . Like my turtle, my kitten, and my salamanders. But Kay and I have a deal as soon as they say we have to get rid of either lizard we’re gone.
I like my five goldfish because they are very soothing to watch, and they are pretty colours.
Interesting pets you have cbbrown! I used to have a neighbour who kept snakes and tortoises
That’s interesting that lizards are cuddly, I’m sure I could get into that too.
My dog will be 9 years in September, and she is my helper with my son and around the house, very good with all people, and we exercise together.
A few years ago we had a family photo taken with our dog. She looked right at the camera, it turned out good.
Cats are super cute and funny on youtube
My dogs keep me company while my girlfriend is at work. we play and sleep together and I don’t know what I’d do without them !! Pets are vital !!
that they can take care of all their needs themselves and they fly back up north in the summer time. lol. I’ll put up a kind of guest room by hanging up a bird feeder in the winter, and it gets pretty busy around here then. There are other resident creatures that I provide homes for by keeping my back yard as wild as I can while still maintaining enough grass area to enjoy grilling safely on.
Yeah, I have a large lid I made into a bird bath. I feed the squirrels, and try to feed the bunnies, but it’s hard. My psycho neighbor killed one of our squirrels in my own yard, and the police totally blew it off. He shot it.
I love the birds, and the other day I saw the Goldfinch which is our state bird, it was so thrilling to see it, and to be near it, it was on my deck.
I love butterflies too, and I do lots of paintings on them. If you want them, plant milkweed.
I love that my kitty kahless sings at night. I love that we have a chase game, I chase him he runs off but he always come back for more. I love that he gently asks for what he wants by tapping. He always sleeps with me and is prone to demanding lap time in the most gentle way.
My dog likes to grab a toy.
He then walks up to a person until they try and grab it from him.
When they try and grab it he sprints off. He goes around and then walks up to them again.
If they try to get it he runs off again.
It’s ■■■■■■■ great mate.
My lizards are sometimes the only reason I get up in the morning. I have to turn their lights on, clean out their food bowls. Give kaisei (my bearded dragon) his live food for the day. Then give kaisei a 10 minute soak in his bath tote. Feed them their salads. ( they have to have very diverse salads since they both are picky.) then later that night turn off their lights. I also take care of my inlaws dog a shih Tzu and their daughter’s Chinese dwarf hamster
That is so great that you have befriended a rare kind of pet. It’s interesting how things work out, cuz I got our dog from a kennel in the country and I was so unsure of her breed or anything about her, and she absolutely fits perfectly with our family. I bet you feel a kind of unbreakable bond too.