What do you do when you have a bad day?

I was just wondering if people on this site, have any ideas.


Take a nap for an hour. That’s what I do.


Depends on the situation. Most of the time, I’ll take an Ativan and just listen to music and light a candle/incense


A hot shower or bath can help you feel better


I just to klonopin, and melatonin…and they didn’t work. Sometimes those medicines don’t work. Does this happen to anybody else?

I go to bed as early as possible.


I listen to music, and try to chat with somebody


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Nap, music and food. I don’t talk to people when in a bad mood.

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Chat, watch tv series I find cute or comforting, listen to music, take it easy have some snack

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Oh, is that why I started going to sleep in the afternoon all those years ago?

I go to Sleeping World

Welcome @himo ! Glad to have you aboard!

I usually read or play guitar -something immersive

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Sleep it off. If all else else.


Take PRNs and sleep it off. I always feel like good sleep gives my brain the reset it needs.

If I can’t sleep, I watch mindless TV. And just stare, curled up on my couch, wishing my brain would shut the f up.


There was a post about someone stated hating good days. Now someone stating don’t like bad days. My days are bad in a sense I can’t do as I please cause of the freaking medication and weirdness in this world. My bankaccount is chronically empty and I don’t know what my next meal will be, not to mention tabbacco or the occasional beer or day out. I learnt to enjoy the simple things in life.


@iconoclast_01 @Bowens Thank u

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I typically cling to Phil, do what he’s doing. ha. he gets sick of me, though.
then I go to Deoge.

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I take Ativan or Klonopin. Its so powerful that it i have to sleep after like 6 hours

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I go quiet and don’t talk to anyone so as to avoid infecting them with my negativity, so that they don’t reject or abandon me.

It’s not a great strategy though, I wouldn’t recommend it.

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