your free time.what do you guys do in your free time,like drinking coffey,shopping,friends.tells us what u up to
I spend my time learning stuff and learning foreign languages.
Im the same.english is not my first language but i get by im. ok at it.
reading on the internet, playing games, visiting with my grandkids, the forum.
هل تفهم العربية
Watch Netflix. Play games. Social media. This forum. Chill with the kiddos. Snuggle the pets.
yeah yeah i understande it.i speak rusty a little bit in both languages.i dont have a lot of people to talk to.
Your English is great for second language.
yeah i migrated to australia at 10 years old.then went back to syria at 16.and i eventually retuned to australia at 20 years of as you u can see ,i grew up everywhere,all over the place,anyways here we are now.
are you egyption.
Playing word wars, music, family, Netflix
lovely,i should watch netflix more
Gaming, exercise, Cricket. I think they all work in together. Always good to keep busy and occupy your mind. People with sz will have minds that wander…
Currently watching Teenage Bounty Hunters… it’s not bad so far
fantastic advise.your very wise.
thanx for the advise brother.
we are free and we are young and we will be young singing at the moment.
I like golfing 151515
Reading, bird watching and coming on here.
لست مصرية انا امريكى