I have too much free time
Same here. I’ve been lurking in support forums for days now, just reading everything, between binge-watching anime. This isn’t a life.
Working my way back down to a size 36 and music stuff. And also ig and this forum
Vidya gaems. Lurking and posting these forums.
i come here or hang with friends
Here, go to the park, tv (except when I get tv delusions), shop, video games, visit family, talk to or visit a friend, sleep
I’m just getting back to reading now. For years, I didn’t crack a book.
I read books, listen to podcasts, watch tv shows and anime, work on languages, maintain my hygiene, keep my room organised, talk to friends, post on this website, I was going to the gym but don’t seem to have the energy but I’ll start going again soon. I also want to sign up for yoga and try to get out more.
I’m usually on my phone walking back and forth in my house, as I’m doing now.
Wow guys, that’s interesting. I go to the gym, then I do running. But I get bored very easily
Wow you look so active. How do you do that I have motivation but very low energy
Weekdays I watch the news on infowars.com and it is way better than anything on t.v.
Weekends I watch anime. I started watching full metal alchemists free on crunchy roll after reading that @naturallycured was doing it.
I used to be an Alex Jones fan, but I stopped after being triggered by the dark stuff he’d talk about. Might get back into it since my brain is healing, and is better able to handle that stuff now.
I sleep to much…
Definitely give it a try. A lot of unbelievable stuff is going on now. We need more people like us tuning in.
Go to library or flea market
Chat with hubby over coffee
Write in journal
Don’t forget your super male vitality.
Sleeping, smoking, watching YouTube and Tv, rarely listening to music, playing World of Warcraft or Insurgency but not every day playing games. Eating and drinking Powder Tea. Coming to this forum and somedays also surfing stuff on the internet.
Smoke tobbacco…go window shopping
I check the forum, read the news, listen to music, watch netflix, knit, study, cook… nothing too exciting. I’m hoping to add volunteering and visiting my nephew to my routine.