What kind of stuff do you do to occupy your time? I seem to get tempted to take daytime naps and can’t wait for the day to be over…
Music, cooking, video games, movies/tv shows, reading online articles, etc
Reading forums and articles (mostly video game related), taking a walk, meditation, reading books, chores…
I mainly play games and browse the internet
I am on this forum throughout the day.
I love drawing and watching DVDs. Reading when I can focus on books.
I have a lovely tuxedo cat I take care of every day.
In between all that I have plenty of crazyness in my head that keeps me occupied.
Exercise. Costs nothing and adds to your life. I still play sport competitively at 50. I also volunteer at my cricket club a couple of days a week. Keeps me in the game.
Reading, journalling, sleeping, online on my phone, washing dishes for my sister. Watching movies. Playing solitaire.
I lay in bed or smoke in front of the computer. Because of insomnia my reading time decreased. If I’m in front of the computer I read the forum, go on YouTube or Twitch or watch internet television.
I also stay hydrated. I kind of, am sick of all the noise the internet brings, but when turning my computer off, I barely can make it one hour without it. I need the background noise for sure. And I just go out if I need to. Since beginning of the psychosis I rarely go out. Not even for walks. I hear voices when I’m outside that disturb me. I also hear voices inside my room and the house.
I try to stay as much away from people as possible.
Listening to music, browsing news, Facebook, forum, watching the news, reading course books, making walks, eating, taking meds. That’s about it.
Meditate. Hang out with a few close friends. Play video games. Surf the web.
I like to watch national geographic programs,. Right now Im watching" the incredible Dr Pol".
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