What do the voices in youre head talk about
Usually if i hear a voice, its either telling me to be scared of something, or its telling me to hurt myself. I just experienced the latter of the two for the past 2 weeks, my p.doc wanted to hospitalize me. But my husband convinced her to wait to see how sn increase in my rexulti would do. Especially since i wasnt acting on it. As of today the voice is gone! Woohoo!
Who cares? The less attention I pay to them the better my life goes.
My voices would talk about me and everything in my past (mistakes) mostly.
My voices try to embarrass me
They tell me they want me dead
Do you still hear vocies
No not in a year the meds help.
Back before I got on meds, I used to hear much more in depth voices. I thought I was hearing things from the spirit world. While yes I would hear voices that were cruel to me, I’d also hear voices that offered acceptance and unconditional love and support. Of course, that’s what made things so dangerous; Not all of my voices were bad.
Since going on meds and changing things around over the past couple of years, though, my relationship with my voices has heavily changed. I don’t hear the nice ones so much anymore. Now they’re just mean: Making fun of me, telling me my relationships are doomed to fail, making fun of me whenever they can. If I had to use one word to describe them, it would be “sadistic”.
Oof. This got sad real quick. Sorry about that.
The voices I hear aren’t always consistent with what they say. There have been times when all their comments were meaningless, like they were laughing at stuff that’s mostly not funny at all. Other times they make up these elaborate stories that they keep building off of over time. It’s like a nightmare world that’s sort of like some of the dark fairytales, but they get strung together into a supposed story of the other side. There’s a lot of original content as well but it’s all bad for the most part. People I know end up being characters in the story as well, but not everyone. So yeah that’s to say most of the stuff they say is either intrusive, bothersome, offensive, mean, or scary. There was an occasion where they talked about stuff that was actually interesting and mundane for a while, but that hasn’t repeated. If only they would go away.
Voices are too messed up. They always criticize me. They never stop until I am dead. Only way to counter is to live.
My voices are total â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–
They insult me.
They make comments and
narrate all my actions and thoughts.
They say irrational things, gibberish.
that they suspect me i m spy
they say i m jailed remotely becoz i read in wmd and egyptian intelligence who said to them the american intelligence to torture me remotely
now they think i m spy penterted their advanced technologies
my comment
i m with them for 13 years roughly
they usually do stories and i believe them
the same like now
so no new stories stories stories…with no end
in the begining of my illness they said to me
two days and they stop talking to me
now they said to me two years and i will be normal
they probably mean 200 years and they shut up
They talk about stuff that’s mental. I’d rather not talk about it.
Talking about it makes me uncomfortable and feel unsafe
Ive actually named “her” i call her “vicky”. Comes across as a petulant child and is extremely condescending. She used to freak me out, but ive had her for so long now, i ignore her, or tell her to F off.
Its usually a sign the depot injection is due. She turns up like clockwork most months.
My voices are always criticizing me and being a little vulgar.
My voices are threatening and strict.
Same- to the vulgarity and strictness which one could argue is a bit hypocritical. Its all about power w my voices
In what way is it hypocritical?
I find it’s about control with mine.
They are controlling i have to do things strictly their way.
And their way is terribly exhausting, to the point that I feel really bad and scared. That I can’t fulfill their ways.
Its a hypocrisy that my voices can be vulgar with me. Then turn around and act strict as if they hold the moral high ground.