Here in England if you have a mental disability and get proof from your doctor you don’t have to pay council tax (property tax) Its called the severe mental impairment council discount. For my house size it would save me £1.200 a year in council tax
Also you get free bus travel after 9.30am all over England, Its a bus pass that you scan on the machine on the bus.
You can get a 3rd of rail travel with a disabled rail card, that is a 3rd of for you and a person accompanying you - because I live on the London - Edinburgh line this is very useful.
You can get a carers card to use at the cinema so you get the person accompanying you in for free.
For most entertainment venues (Alton Towers theme park - Harry Potter world) you can get your support worker in for free or a reduced rate.
What discounts do you get for having a disability where you live?
Home worth grant or something, also if you are on income based benefits you’ll be entitled to cold weather payments, this is £25 for 7 consecutive nights where it goes below minus 0.
I get cheaper bus rides, and can use the connector bus where you get picked up and dropped off at home and the location directly at the door. But you have to pay premium fare for the connector bus.
Cheaper public transport. Cheaper scripts. Cheaper registration for motor vehicles. I’m sure there’s other stuff but the old man looks after the bills. I just pay my share…
Im not sure, there are so many rules and regulations. It is more like you can get free help, e.g. with cleaning your house or so. No rules like cheaper public transport afaik.
My utilities are less because of a discount. If we don’t use the heater sometimes the gas and electric bill is as low as 15 dollars a month. Granted it is a one bedroom apartment.
I’ve always envied the fine health care in the UK. Our health care in the USA is not as good. I also don’t know of any discounts for being disabled, other than that tag you can hang in your car and park in handicap spots.
Here in Denmark, you can get extra welfare if you’re on welfare - and that’s about it.
Schizophrenia isn’t counted as a disability here, just a chronic illness, so you don’t really get special benefits.
I live in the UK an I have not heard of most of them so far. I tried to apply for a the bus pass once but you have to be on higher rate care component, so I did not qualify. I know my council tax is pretty low being on ESA but I did not know you could get it for free I may have to look into that.