What can i do with an ignorant brother in law

my brother in law is very judgemental of me…

he thinks im a bad person because of my sz…

he hears the odd bad thing and is very judgemental of me

he never speaks to me when we’re at family gatherings

what should I do?


Cut him out of your life. Stop talking to him. Avoid him if he’s at the same place as you or just don’t even go.


Sometimes people are afraid of those of us with Sz and don’t know how to deal with it. So they ignore us. I’ve lost friends because of my Sz. I say stick close to the people who are in your life. Keep talking about this to us, your counselor, and others in your life who support you. I know it’s hard but not everyone gets sz nor knows what to do with sz. If you want to be proactive about it then maybe you could try to start small conversations with him? I’m sorry you’re going through this. I feel for you.


I second @LED. Cut him out. There should be no room for people like that in your life.


I received stigma from the oddest places. I received stigma from places I wouldn’t expect. Oh well.

There are also hands held out to help. Look for them, I advise.



I’m sorry your brother-in-law is such a jerk. You shouldn’t have to put up with that.

I think it depends on how you, personally, relate to him. What if he wasn’t part of your family, and just someone you met on the street? Would you be okay with him treating you like that, or would you just walk away?

For instance, I don’t let strangers talk to me the way my parents do. So I don’t talk to my parents (much) anymore. If someone can’t respect me, I can’t respect them. Just my opinion :v:

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