Hmm. She’d have to be just the opposite of me. Emotional, outgoing, cultural… all the things that I don’t get along with. Otherwise, somewhat like me, which I also would not get along with; which is why I will probably never meet that someone.
Personalities are a mixed bag, to me. I can genuinely appreciate any personality or any style of interests, but it’s my primal self that I can’t do away with - that primal self that needs instinctual desires to be taken care of first and foremost and then opens up to more complex interactions.
Just be advised, I can clock anabolic usage when I see it. I mean, if you want a guy that has a history of steroid or PH (pro hormone) use I have nothing negative to say, just that this guy you are desiring is definitely on anabolics.
I use to be on a supplement that I believe had something to do with my sz. They took it off the market, because it had one chemical off from meth. I loved working out on that â– â– â– â– . But now if I took it the hallucinations would make me go to a hospital.