I wanna know your guyses names. Mines David.
Mine is Samuel.
My name is Emily.
my first name is Robert but I go by my middle name Michael.
I am Jon but not Jonathan.
My Name is Inigo Montoya.
Nick. …Or Nicholas.
I’m George. 15 characters
My first name is Kenforce!
Sean…,.,.,.,. 1010101001
I am the great Cornholio.
My first name is Shannon
I’m Kimberly sometimes Abigial, but usually Kimberly
I’m Greg, short for Gregory. I despise my name, and my middle name is kind of a pansy name. Thinking of changing my entire name. My last name is so frequently mispronounced I can’t believe it. But then again, very few people in the US speak Italian, so yeah, it gets butchered often.
15 15 15 15
Dream and scape but you can call me Sir.
Sara and D. But you don’t want to break your tongue while pronouncing it.
I’m a James.
I hate being called Jim…
Oh really?
Be are why a in (still not 15 characters)