What are your favorite cities?

I’m particular to Anchorage, Alaska. It’s not really a big city but it’s the biggest one in my state. Really big cities like Birmingham, Alabama and Tampa, Florida scare and confuse me. I liked visiting Seattle, Washington but was only able to see the sights for a few hours before our plane left, so it wasn’t too overwhelming.

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I would love to visit Berlin one day because I’m German but never been and I miss the German language

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I’m liking the t-shirt idea! It can have the background of the northern lights flowing in vivid colors behind the stops.

Not seeing a way to send you a message… Send a message sometime and let’s chat about travel and music. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a concert, but used to go all the time.

Would like to hear of Viña Del Mar too :slightly_smiling_face:

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Alaska is a good one. It would be interesting to see the sunshine all day and all night.

Sedona, AZ…Fort Walton Beach, FL. , San Diego because I’ve heard they have perfect weather year 'round.

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NYC has been my favorite city.

I also kinda liked Boston (all the Colleges and fun people there).

I don’t feel like travelling in the next 10 years.

I am too busy trading stocks. It is my adventure and my life now. I know, with my method, I cannot take a week off. If I do, and if that is the potential killer period for me, my endeavor may fail altogether. Therefore, no to travelling, got to remain vigilant about work.


I don’t have a favourite city but I don’t like Canadian winters it’s almost summer here but winter sucks my idea of a good city is one without snow

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My favorite show on broadway in New York City is Blue Man Group. It was so much fun, especially at the end.

It was at the Lafayette theater. When I first got there, I thought oh my goodness I made a mistake and I was ready to leave, but I’m glad I stayed!

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