I’m particular to Anchorage, Alaska. It’s not really a big city but it’s the biggest one in my state. Really big cities like Birmingham, Alabama and Tampa, Florida scare and confuse me. I liked visiting Seattle, Washington but was only able to see the sights for a few hours before our plane left, so it wasn’t too overwhelming.
I would love to visit Berlin one day because I’m German but never been and I miss the German language
I’m liking the t-shirt idea! It can have the background of the northern lights flowing in vivid colors behind the stops.
Not seeing a way to send you a message… Send a message sometime and let’s chat about travel and music. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a concert, but used to go all the time.
Would like to hear of Viña Del Mar too
Alaska is a good one. It would be interesting to see the sunshine all day and all night.
Sedona, AZ…Fort Walton Beach, FL. , San Diego because I’ve heard they have perfect weather year 'round.
NYC has been my favorite city.
I also kinda liked Boston (all the Colleges and fun people there).
I don’t feel like travelling in the next 10 years.
I am too busy trading stocks. It is my adventure and my life now. I know, with my method, I cannot take a week off. If I do, and if that is the potential killer period for me, my endeavor may fail altogether. Therefore, no to travelling, got to remain vigilant about work.
I don’t have a favourite city but I don’t like Canadian winters it’s almost summer here but winter sucks my idea of a good city is one without snow
My favorite show on broadway in New York City is Blue Man Group. It was so much fun, especially at the end.
It was at the Lafayette theater. When I first got there, I thought oh my goodness I made a mistake and I was ready to leave, but I’m glad I stayed!
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