A mix of Alpha, Gamma and Beta. I think I’ve been in Epsilon a few times in my life.
This is really interesting, I’m gonna do more research on brainwaves.
Delta waves
I did that game that measure brain waves. relaxing made a ball move. You could also see your brain waves on a screen. My waves were all over the place.
38 quadrillion collapsed wave functions per second.
I would like to try this game.
“What are your brainwave frequencies?”
over 9000.
It was at a museum for physical experiments and science. There are lots of different things to do. But kids loved the game. I had no chance to win that game.
It’s common for Tibetan monks to emit Delta brainwaves while awake.
“What are your brainwave frequencies?”
i release alpha waves because I’m an alpha male
I use to listen to Binaural Beats on YouTube all the time to study. They really work. They have them for sleep, anxiety reduction, focus etc.
I have the cowabunga waves, I’m a native Californian!
my voices told me im 26Mhz the bastarts lol , said im nothing special haha