I read recipes on pinterest if that counts.
I’m reading a book on Dialectical Behavior Therapy because my therapist believes it will help me cope better with my negative emotions. Some of it’s useful, some is just boring. I have borderline personality disorder along with sza.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest in tandem with The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test ;p
I’m reading “The time of Contempt” It is a fantasy series which the witcher video games are set in. Great reading and well written. It is translated but it has some serious style and I like it!
I’m reading a book about Alzheimer’s Disease. It is very interesting. There is a lot of new research which seems to put the idea that it is inevitable and progressive to the test.
I’m reading Lolita and after that I’m going to start The Game of Thrones.
Clan of the Cavebear.
It’s about a Cro Magnon girl who is raised by neanderthals.
I’ve read it before and I will read it again. It’s the kind of book that sucks you into their world and makes you feel completely immersed.
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