What are You Grateful for today?

So someone reminded me about this…:slight_smile: Thanks @saynow

I got a good jog in today with some decent weight exercise.

I caught up with an Aunty which is always nice…

I cut down my eating but still had some sweet treats with some jam filled donuts…

What were you grateful for today?


Grateful I got to play games with my cousin and watch Trailer Park Boys


Today at work the time flew by. I’m grateful for that and I learned a little bit about human nature in the bargain. Makes all the bad things I put up with today, worth it.


I’m grateful for this forum on nights when I can’t fall asleep (like tonight :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)


i didnt sleep from yesterday
but i have courage enough to go for work :blush::blush:


I’m grateful for my new car. I’m grateful that the fire in our area didn’t hit us. I’m grateful for the firefighters protecting us. I’m grateful for having all this time to meditate.


I’m grateful that I’m more motivated these days. My partner my dog. A nice new car. A roof over my head. Food on the table. Family.


I am grateful today for the fish I had for lunch and the friend here or there that I can confide in.

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I had a dirty start to the day end on a high. I am now on my weekend. I have loving animals and partner. I love my job.


I am grateful that my meds are working. I am grateful for my son he’s such a good man. I am grateful I have a roof over my head I could be sleeping in the car. I am grateful I have income (such as it is) despite not being able to work. I am grateful I lost 4 pounds.


I am grateful for a few things, they are as follows! !. my own apartment, 2. my part time job in a book shop 3. 2 good friends who understand my illness!


I’m grateful for my cats that cheer me up :slight_smile:


I recently got a new fishing pole in the mail – I pick up the meds today, I get my fishing license today, I’m eating healthy and feel better from it :upside_down_face:


I’m grateful for my cosy bed rn


I was grateful to work for a friend and try to do the best job I can for him.

Also, I spent some time with my parents after work even though I was really tired.


I’m grateful that my husband has a good job.

I’m grateful that my dogs are doing well.

I’m grateful for a lot of things,

But as Baby Cakes says, I’ve also got “a long list of complaints and a ■■■■ ton of suspicions”.

Guess I should focus on the positive.

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I’m grateful for not having much anxiety and voices today.

Having a little bit of money to buy clothes at the thrift shop.

Being loved by my family. Having food and an apartment.

And my fat ole handsome tuxedo cat. :blush:

Great thread!


I am grateful for the air, the food, the benefits, my mum apologising to me yesterday, the sunshine, the freedom, this forum, my health

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I’m grateful that my carrot, banana and bran flapjacks came out so well today

I’m grateful for the love of my husband

I’m grateful for my nice books and clothes

I’m grateful my parents are still alive

I’m grateful for my faith in God

I’m grateful for my budgie and for birds outside


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My marriage, our house, my investments and for God.

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