I started a daily photo blogging project for my sick friend after he strongly hinted about how much he missed my daily blogging from years ago. The new blog is up and running and his wife has said it has made him so happy he has cried a few times.
I’m grateful that hopefully I will learn to say no and set boundaries and even remove people who are bad to and for me from my life entirely.
They have nothing to offer me but treat me like sh it in discrete ways but still not ok.
That there is hope that I will learn self respect and to stand up for myself or remove myself etc
I’m grateful for my hero bestie who has taken care of me and defended me and who genuinely loves me and cares for me and is protective of me.
And My baby girl our love eternal .
My boyfriend n dog n other loved ones.
Hope that i will get government housing and that it will be good support and stability for me and that my enemies don’t get rolls around me because they change identities such as “sister” started working at Post Office and other places and i don’t want her around me.