I’m watching Star Wars return of the Jedi. What are you up to?
I’m getting ready to take my kids to my mom’s for dinner.
I’m getting ready to work in my art journal and prepare small piece so I can produce a larger piece
I’m going to make myself a cheese sandwich on pumpernickel rye bread. Yum.
I’m in bed trying to nap, so my remaining head inflammation heals faster.
Watching Esme and Roy with Little LED. Trying to get her to rest a bit before her friend comes over for the evening.
I am watching Judge Judy.
In a minute I will be calling Comcast, also known as “the den of thieves”. I tried to get internet service from them but failed for months and now they’re ripping me off by not hooking up my service but still charging me $65.00 a month since March. The whole experience with them was negative and now when I call up customer service I get routed to young women in the Bahamas who I suspect are giving me a line of bull so they don’t have to refund all my money. They sent me a check for $139.00. They give some more bull about that is the maximum refund they can give me but don’t explain why. But at the least, I want it explained to my satisfaction why the one of the biggest TV/internet/phone providers in California charged me money for 6 months and I had nothing to show for it.
i’m doing laundry and sitting at the computer clicking on useless stuff
I got TV on sportcenter. I played some Battlefield V earlier for the weeklys. Feeling claustrophopic in this apartment and have crazy emotions inside me. I don’t know what to say to people outside. I feel like I will embarass myself or say something crazy.
Sitting here feeling sick (flu like), feeling guilty and watching "Murdoch mysteries "
I’m preparing to go to the store to buy some pop and maybe a cheap pizza. But it’s raining out so aside from sza I am made of sugar and I’d need to take my pink flowered umbrella with me which unequivocally makes the I Am Really Gay statement in this semi redneckish town which could mean certain Evil Eye stares. Not sure if I’ll survive. Pway foe me.
Good luck. Keep fighting the good fight.
Which pizza flavour will u go for.
I like the one with loads of different cheese types
I’m thinking just a supreme pizza by either Tony’s or Jack’s.
I am sitting in bed with my little dog and I’m on my laptop browsing the Internet.
I might watch stargate or 24.
I wanted to go to the gym today but my lips are covered in cold sores and I don’t feel comfortable going.
I will go to the shop to buy a movie voucher but don’t feel comfortable with that either.
It just doesn’t feel nice going out n about with my big bubbly ugly looking lips.
Hopefully the cold sores will be gone soon.
iam playing wow classic
Waiting for them to kick my ass after threatening to hurt me.
Just on forum and browsing internet enjoying time off after long day at work.
On here listening to contemporary Ch music and feeling stupid about Tupac Shakkur.