I’m at the stage in my life where I find porn/masturbating extremely stupid. Sex made out of impulsiveness in general is lame, other than, of course making babies and occasionally bonding with your partner.
Just my opinion. Not judging anyone who likes to jizz once in a while.
I believe that porn is a danger to your soul. Budda say’s" lust and greed are a snake bite to the soul" I always felt like ■■■■ after I beet off over porn. Always wished I hadn’t done it.
It’s called a post climax hangover and I think it’s fairly normal. I erased the bad post climax feeling I used to get by playing joyful happy music during the wank and for about half an hour afterwards. It takes a few months of this training for the hangovers to disappear completely.
Pros: I think it can be helpful to relieve oneself sometimes if the pressure is too much. It can help you relax and take away tension.
Cons: For me it can be pacifying and put me “out of the fight”. It’s harder to stand up for myself when my battery is low. I find it helpful to try find the right time to do it so I have energy if I’m going to work or whatever.
Personally I don’t like porn. I try to avoid it, but sometimes I forget how bad it makes me feel and watch it anyway.
It is after all extremely easy to accsess when they have cabled it into everybodys homes. Now a days it’s pretty high risk that like 12-years old get exposed to all kinds of sexually explicit content that they would probably be much better off not seeing. I kind of envy the people who lived to form romantic relationships pre-internet.
With porn it can be a evil circle for many I expect. You are not in a relationship because you get too warped from porn, and you are watching porn because you are not in a relationship. That’s why I want to quit porn permanently to get out of the circle. I ordered a couple of books on how to get better willpower. It may not work but it is worth a shot.