I have been watching porn and masturbating

Maybe once a day or two is okay,I do it twice everyday recently and a Urologist told me it’s okay to masturbate and he told me he sometimes had sex thrice a day,and told me not to worry…I don’t know why I feel watching porn has stop me from progressing,maybe it’s not true

Here’s a cookie.

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Thx for sharing

Hahaha. Masturbating twice a day isn’t awful, I’ve heard of…well a lot worse…

As for porn, that’s sort of a sticky subject (no pun intended). I’m going to be real with you, yes it is a huge waste of time. No, it’s not going to make you any smarter. It’s also highly unrealistic and the leading cause of guys being disappointed with actual sex/expecting every girl they get with to act and look like a porn star would. (Not all guys do this, but… a lot do, especially younger ones, around my age).

But it’s not like it’s going to kill you. It’s a time-wasting habit just like any other. Heck I used to be semi-addicted, but then I decided enough was enough and pretty much just dropped it cold turkey. I still watch it every once in a while but mostly find it hilarious when I do, not really arousing. I’m not sure if I ever did find it arousing to begin with…

But anyways that’s my two cents. Not that it matters. You do you.


As you have said earlier you would like to find a woman for your life. I believe that masturbation somehow reduces sexual desire toward women, do not take this negatively, but if you stopped this masturbation and did let sexual desires toward women grow and develop, you might have better luck with women. I suppose this is why alpha males conquer all women :smiley: Try if it works.

IDk if your bragging of asking for help tbh but how about a swear jar for masturbating? You have to put money in the jar every time give into the impulse.

I don’t know,I guess it’s because my older brother is back with living with us for two weeks and in order to accompany him It affected my routine a little and I slept late these days for 6 hrs or a little more…maybe I would be better controlling this impulse of watching porn when I get fully back my routine schedule

I think mastutbation is alright,5 time would be a max amount before it drain you physically but watching porn is a problem…I will figure and try to stop it…

At your age I was married in America, but if you put a little more energy in finding a woman for pleasing your sexual desires, you might get real experiences.

This song reminds me of my auto living in America where I saw many beautiful women after my divorce in 2000, I suppose I am divorced although I have not got any divorce papers yet, because I escaped before the actual divorce trial, found myself in the next morning in Miami, a sexual capital of the world.

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its supposed to help keep that underlying adrenaline at bay that makes you want to explode all over the ceiling lol,

12 Golden Rules For Picking Up Women

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Yes,I would love to have a girlfriend.i had tried abstaining masturbation for 3 weeks without any fap and stopped pornography for 3 months…it did not help me with anything except the first week I thought I was more social and this effect is gone after the first week

I think too much masturbation is unhealthy.

Some of the feminist take a dim view of pornography, but others don’t. I read somewhere that they are split down the middle about porn. I enjoy watching porn, and I don’t think it hurts me. I have discovered that if I watch it too much I start to desensitize to it, so I try not to watch it too much.

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I listen a lot of love music such as these. You might also do this instead of watching porn :smile:

I’ve done it 2 to 3 times a day since I was like 12

I’ve also taken a large break of 3 weeks of nothing or a week off here and there.

I used to think masturbation was my issue for erectile dysfunction but it’s really my brain is just totally ■■■■■■ up because of sz when I’m in a depression my libido is terrible when it lifts I’m like a race horse lol.

but I think porn desensitizes you or enforces fetishes

On another note I got waaaaaaay too drunk and got a blow job from some rather large blonde girl . She had a cute face though.

I shoulda just went home and masturbated hahaha

Sorry for the TMI

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It’s all adidas symptoms.



noting wrong with chocking your chicken, dont feel guilty everyone has done it

Hahaha… these threads make me laugh… It’s like a period you can count on it once a month. It obviously aint a big deal Gtx, now quit telling us about it. lol


as long as you dont damage it over use like haha


No - its not true.

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