What are thing you do to calm the voices

i like to play games or guitar, i record some music for fun. It helps stop voices for little while. Do you have things you do that work that quiet the voices…


Hey @seemore3434 I think I like liike NPR radio cause the sophisticated radio personalities are such a break from these childish kids n oh man like cartoon looking wannabe immature losers, torturing me ah man also i guess … little kid movies ,describing them nothing works to be honest no peace three seconds would be a vacation :woozy_face: sike hang in there!!!

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I turn off the radio or tv. For me, any extra stimulation makes it worse.


I listen to music all the time. It helps. The less I engage with my voices, the better it Gets.


I watch Shark Tank OR The Amazing World of Gumball!!

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I don’t know why but doing something that makes me count like knitting helps quiet them sometimes. Sometimes I have to just tell them out loud to shut up. Works sometimes

Music rarely helps me. The voices still come through, just louder. Yelling at me to turn it down, telling me my music sucks. I had to create another voice, which is weird maybe, but she helps. It’s just me, just talking to myself in a different, rational tone. I find if I focus on this voice of me, I can more easily ignore them.

Playing with my dogs helps too.

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All I have to do is wait for the a/c or the furnace to turn off.

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I have music on basically all the time to drown out voices. Sometimes they talk over it but not usually.


Is your other, rational voice on a recording? @fractaled

No, in my head. I just take on a different, more grown up tone. So say I’m stressing about them being so loud, I’ll tell myself in this voice that they are just trying to stress me out, but I don’t have to listen to them… It’s like having a conversation with myself as somebody else, fully realizing this other person is me, and I created them. It just takes the focus off the voices, and allows me to regain my own line of thought.

It’s like allowing my rationality and my irrationality to talk to each other. Rationality always wins.

Typing it out like this makes me realize how weird it is, but it’s helped me more than anything else.

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Music, singing bowl meditation, I sleep with the TV on.


I usually have an Amazon Echo App called “Sleep Jar” on, its 2 quid a month - but you get 100 different ambient sounds like “rain on tin roof” or rainforest sounds or thunder that will play for 12 hours. I have it on at night.

Its usually the computer fans i “read” voices off. It helps block it all out, like when me double glazings creaking lol.


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