I find listening to music really helps alleviate the voices

i have an amazon echo and just tell it to play a radio station. The music really changes the vibration of my thoughts. Music really helps, i think its cause it a good vibration in your head. Despite what the thoughts are causing


Really? I find the opposite to be true when i listen to music the voices get worse but i listen to music anyways


I used to listen to music not so much now

I enjoy lots of sounds so for me music helps since silence makes me anxious

@Rainstorm it happens everyone is different, try different kinds though some kinda might be more triggering than others for you

I have an ipod loaded up with a special playlist I made during a manic episode twenty years ago.

The songs on the playlist covers almost all of the thematics I experience in my delusions, and there is a lot of humor injected in there to lighten the mood somewhat.

I’ve listened to it almost every day when I go out for my walks for the past twenty years, and it’s helped me work through some issues I was dealing with by helping me strengthen my resolve and perception of my delusional episodes.

Some times it’s almost as if “the Universe” chooses a particular shuffled playlist to guide me through my day.

It’s weird trying to explain the phenomena, but it has been immensely beneficial and grounding for me, and gotten me through some difficult days.

Music helps my voices to stop too

I like listening to radio when I do my chores.

i listen to radio all the time. half of what i do. just put some music on and relax.

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