What are good ear plugs?

I want something to block out noise while im sleeping (roommate). And yes ive talked with him about it but hes an ■■■■■■■.

When I was in college and had noisy roommates and noisy neighbors, I used simple foam earplugs like these. They worked pretty well.


I’ve used the simple foam ones too. And they work good.

Thanks for th e ice​:slight_smile::slight_smile::joy:

Yikes! Just make sure you don’t pushed the screw through by accident and puncture your eardrum.

The simple foam earplugs are super cheap, by the way.


Don’t do that anymore

The screw extends no further than the bud itself.
In fact, if you look at the side of the bud that you put in your ear, you can’t even see the screw.
It’s too far back in the bud to be seen.

Used them for years now. Works like a charm.

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Anybody do an ear test lately. I just did one about a week ago.
I could hear up to 19 KHz, which is not bad for a 60 year old.

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