I’ve been in and out of hospitals since I was 18. I feel like I brought this on myself, but now I don’t know whether or not I have mental issues or not. I have probably in hospitals at least 20 times. That’s why it’s confusing for me whether or not I have a problem. What do you all think?
I don’t know where you’re from but hospital beds are only used in my part of England as a last resort.
They have 35 beds at the local mental hospital for a population of 100,000
They have a lot more hospitals in the U.S. where I’m from.
I think we all have problems, and they differ from one person to the next. It’s hard to tell from the OP if you’re suffering from mental issues or not. I guess family, friends or psychiatrists are more equipped to help answer this question.
I’ve probably been hospitalized over 20 times since I was 28 years old. They were called “voluntary admissions” but I was caught up in the process and I didn’t know I had recourse. When I found that out I fought my commitments in court a few times, to no avail.
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