What age were you sexually active..?

Late , round 25

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Go to college man. Itā€™s more bout ficking than learning.

Thatā€™s when the pressure is on. Afterwards itā€™s more about money.

ā– ā– ā– ā–  this world


Was born sexually active


Ditto to BarkingDog.

Seems to have declined as I got older though. Mind you two potential partners died on me. So far from my mind atm or for the foreseeable future. Still so confused being around women these days. Since the last one killed herself.

Think Iā€™ll join the foreign legion or a Buddhist monastery. Wish my mind would commit to it though. Just seems to put it down as a sarcastic joke.

I was originally waiting until marriage, but at 22 the decision was taken out of my hands thanks to some pills slipped into my drink. So now I donā€™t think itā€™s some pure and holy thing. I couldnā€™t touch anyone for a while, but at 24 I had my first voluntary experience with a childhood friend. He wasnā€™t very good, so I spent some time thinking I was gay, until I met my current boyfriend. I actually enjoy sex with him now.

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ā€œThink Iā€™ll join the foreign legion or a Buddhist
monastery. Wish my mind would commit to it though. Just seems to put it
down as a sarcastic joke.ā€

Had the exact same thoughtsā€¦ nowaday, though, i tend to drown it it a binge of alcholol and nice musicā€¦ nobody wanna ā– ā– ā– ā–  a monk anyways.

Thatā€™s personal! :wink:

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11 I believe. I just know I was young.

Lol what was that quote by the academic director of some college? He was like the point of college is to ā€œprovide free sex and alcohol.ā€ Not that far from the truth!!

Iā€™ll let you know when it happensā€¦

When I got married at 28.

I was 18 when I had full sex. Rudies at 17.

I was 20 1/2ā€¦a bit lateā€¦Iā€™ll be 22 in June. I was afraid of women and also bisexual in the closet. I made up for years of celibacy very quickly. Now I can say I have been there and done that with pretty much everything. Iā€™ve had lots of casual sex and today I am in a committed relationship so that is over. All I really wanted was a real relationship, but it helped to get my fantasies out of the way. It may have seemed immature, but like I said, I got my fantasies out of the way all at an early age, so now I am not naive.

I had serious issues during adolescence which prevented me from even kissing anyone in my teens. I still have issues, maybe the worst issue, chronic schizophrenia, but I learned to live with it.

Some people just used me though. I used them too, so I guess it was mutual. The thing is that I liked all of them but they wanted to keep it casual because I am mentally ill.

My girlfriend has a mental illness too, so we get along really well. She knows when I am not quite myself and that I have good days and bad days, I understand her good days and bad days too.

Anyways yeah I hadnā€™t even kissed anyone until I was 20.

I remember asking one of the older kids in the neighbor hood what the ā€œFā€ word meant. I was only in the 4th grade and remember clearly being attracted to this one girl in my class. That actually was the first rejection I had to deal with.