I have been single 30+ years now, no family or close friends, I think I lost the ability to care for or love someone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a caring person and treat people with respect, but I think it would be just weird having someone caring about me, or would I even know how to return the love.
it is better to give than to receive. giveth and thou shall receiveith. sending positive vibes to you @Mountainman. sz is a disease of emotions, too, but that doesn’t mean we should be void of experiencing it.
“Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.”
– Kahlil Gibran
Basically, I feel that love is an expression of the ineffable. Yet, it ‘has’ to be laid out on the table honestly to work. Loving schemes that result in emotional and mental ownership/slavery create chains on an already enslaved individual. …so honesty and a willingness to look into oneself is necessary on both partners in love.
Love will give you the greatest sail of your life, but it will also lay you bare on the existential rocks in the most ungloriously fantastic shipwreck of your ‘pathetically special’ oneness with the universe.
Last ten years most folks I know hook up through the internet. It does work and it it’s not something to discount!
It’s hard if you don’t work but if you do then internet is way to go. I’d do it in a second if I was a bit better situated and you don’t often have to pay!
I’ve been single (unmarried), now for 31 years. I love my singleness. I live alone with my trusty, and adoring cat who I adore as well. He’s all I need. Him, and my Master of the Universe, my Gd.
Am a firm believer that if I find real love it will “cure” me. I might still need meds but I’m convinced if I find the right (if she exists) I will make much progress in my mental illness. Having unconditional love and a family of my own, is my ultimate goal in life.
(falling in) love is considered a sort of psychosis according to my past and present practitioners. I fell in love several times but the “melting” together unfortunately never happened. I do have hope though, so should you @_JDOG26 !!