Went to see my pdoc today

I’m happy to finally be getting the help that I need and my pdoc is great! He helps me understand my illness a lot and makes me feel like I can accomplish anything!

He put me on a new antidepressant called Zoloft? Does anyone take it? What are your side effects and or experiences?


I don’t take Zoloft but I am so glad you saw the pdoc !! way to go man !!


@jukebox why don’t you like Zoloft?

I didn’t say I didn’t like Zoloft…I am just not taking it right now…I am sure it will help you.

Oh I’m sorry I read it wrong. But thanks!

My antidepressant Lexapro really helps me a lot; I hope Zoloft works for you :smiley:


Glad you have a pdoc you trust and feel comfortable with @Longhorn21. It sounds like things are looking up for you.


That’s great news @Longhorn21! We’re really proud of you!


Thanks @Tomasina and @eighteyedspy23 I really appreciate it!


Yay! I am happy to hear things are going well with your pdoc, longhorn, and that you may have found a very helpful med!


I’m glad to hear it! I was on Zoloft a long time ago. I don’t remember if I had any side effects or not; it was 15 years ago.

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Yeah I’m a little paranoid about taking it. I’ve heard your depression can get worse.

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I think that is mostly in teens and young adults.


take the Zoloft dude…you won’t get depressed…trust your pdoc.

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Years ago, I had a very bad experience with Zoloft. It made me very suicidal. And instead of taking me off this drug, my pdoc’s kept increasing the dosage of it, making me even more depressed and suicidal. I didn’t get any relief until I moved out of state and got a new pdoc who took me off Zoloft and put me on Serzone. Then I experienced a lifting of my mood, finally. I was in my mid thirties when I was on Zoloft.


Glad you like your doctor @Longhorn21!

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Not necessarily. 15151515

It just might make your depression worse. It could make you suicidal. I was taking it at the age of 36 and it made me extremely suicidal and depressed and the doctors kept increasing my dosage instead of taking me off of it. I moved to another state and my new pdoc took me off Zoloft and put me on Serzone and I felt better immediately.

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So far today is Day one taking it and I’m okay. I’m just going to take it and see how it goes if I get depressed or worse then i’ll Stop taking and talk to my pdoc


Good for you, @Longhorn21.

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