I start my new job after not working for almost three years. I’m terrified. What if I can’t handle this? I’ll be away from my comfort zone with strangers telling me what to do. I have to keep this job. This is it.
Just try to do your best. That’s all you can do. My philosophy (or one of them ) is that if I am healthy and I am teachable, than I am able to work. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. On your first day they don’t expect you to learn everything. Everybody makes mistakes even people who have been there awhile. Ask questions if you need to. Don’t base everything on your first day, it takes awhile to know if you like a job and if you can do it. Smile and be pleasant to your co-workers. If this is too much info, than disregard it! Good luck.
What’s your job by the way!!??
It’s perfectly normal to be scared and nervous when you’re starting a new job.
Call center processing obamacare applications.
You can do it…
It’s always the darkest hour before the dawn…once you get there and get in your work space I’m sure this anxiety will dissapate. I’m sure you will do great !! Good luck.
It’s a huge leap out of the comfort zone. Congratulations on facing this…
But try if you can to focus on just getting through one thing at a time…
This job will help you out a lot… your the new kid… I bet the people there will be just as nervous about meeting you as you are them…
Good luck and I hope it goes well…
A bouquet of flowers saying good luck and we believe in you.
You’ll do fine
I think you’re up to it. Going to work after you haven’t worked for a while can be a big adjustment, but just think of the paycheck you’ll be getting. You can have your own money to spend.
you can do this;
you are smart
have confidence in your self…
i have confidence in you.
take care
Best of luck in your new job! You’ll be fine, the best piece of job advice I got was ‘just try to fit in’.
Good luck you can do this
I’m late, was asleep when you posted this! Good luck!
How did it go?
I’m on lunch break. This place has more rules than anything I’ve seen! But that’s because I work with people’s personal info, like social security numbers and such. No cell phones, pens or paper (not even a book) allowed in the building. This is nuts.
Best of luck with everything @odiledecaray – You will do just fine
My sister worked at a call center and it was the same thing. Those HIPPA laws are serious business! How are the other people?
Well, I made it a whole 8 hour shift. My anxiety was terrible toward the end after being under those fluorescent lights so long. Florescent lights always mess with me. Thankfully it happened at the very end and didnt start at the beginning or i might have just run out of there. It was all sitting and listening to someone talk while I signed my name on so many documents that I began to forget how to sign my name.
I have two weeks of training, then one week of mock calls and scenarios, then I start the real deal.
I’d rather just jump right in and learn as I go because what they say makes no sense for now.
I suppose I’ll go again tomorrow. I don’t like it, but I don’t hate it either. It’s just, meh.
**I am the same way. A hands-on person.
Proud of you **
Good job sticking through the whole day