Usually, it feels as if every thought has some repercussion inside my mind, one thing logically leads to another. But sometimes they do not: I understand I’m thinking but I don’t feel like I’m actively engaging in it. As if I can’t keep myself from thinking but I’m sort of too tired to follow through with my own thoughts. So they go on by themselves and it’s hard to keep track of what I’m saying to myself.
I remember a few times that happened and it got to a point where I could choose to not control my thoughts, so for a few minutes I’d just stare quietly into a random direction and let my mind do its thing, sort of repeating random observations. I could snap out of it easily but couldn’t get back into that state voluntarily when I tried again.
Is there a name for that? Does it happen to anyone else? Does it mean anything?
But I did have this issue of thinking I recognized pretty much every stranger I walked by once though, it’s kind of funny how long I kept trying to figure out where I knew them from before realizing it was a brain thing lol
I never considered something like that could be some sort of thought disorder, I had it for the longest time and as it felt like I couldn’t keep track of what I was thinking due to tiredness or stupidity I figured it was mood related or a negative/cognitive symptom.
Lasted a really short while today though. I just posted about it because I came up with a way to put the experience into words, but I truly appreciate hearing at least I’m not alone feeling this.